Ugly Duckling - Potty Mouth Lyrics

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Artist: Ugly Duckling
Ugly Duckling Author
Song Title: Potty Mouth
Visits: 686
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(Aaah! You said that word

I'm gonna tell yo momma on you

She's gonna whip you too

That's what she gonna do) --> Joe Tex

Gazoose! Holy cow! Golly gee!

Dagnabit! Great Caesar's ghost!

Man, what you say?

I say, Yikes! Hush, darn it!

Wait a cotton pickin' minute!

Heavens to Murgatroid!

Take it away

[ VERSE 1: Andy C ]

I'm rubber, you're the glue sticks

Everything you say will bounce off of me back to you if the shoe fits

Potty mouths got me hot like a coffee pot

You're more predictable than a _Rocky_ plot

Save the four letter words, keep the gunshot

It's all talk, you're as fruity as a kumquat

And I'm supposed to be shocked? Stop, zip your lip

Quit, all you wanted was a pop hit, hypocrite

Don't take him serious, he needs to be laughed at

So play the laugh track ( *canned laughter* )

Try a preposition, pronoun or an adverb

Cause you haven't said a thing, just a bad word

(Aaah! You said that word)


(I'm gonna tell yo momma on you)

You're puckerin up, then you huff and you puff

And then cover the cuss with a ( *bleep* )

(Aaah! You said that word)


(I'm gonna tell yo momma on you)

You're puckerin up, then you huff and you puff

And then cover the cuss with a (ish)

(Aaah! You said that word)

(I'm gonna tell yo momma on you)

You're puckerin up, then you huff and you puff

And then cover the cuss with a ( *sound effect* )

Ooh ooh, shame on you

Tell me what you're tryin to do

You better watch your mouth

You better watch your mouth

Ooh ooh, shame on you

Tell me what you're tryin to do

You better watch your mouth

You better watch your mouth

[ VERSE 2: Dizzy Dustin ]

Do you kiss your mother with a mouth like that?

Can't you find another way to make people react?

It ain't the way you're supposed to behave when you're grown

Potty mouths stinkin up the microphone

Your vocabulary's germ-ridden, I will call a septic

A fungus among us, spray the disinfective

You talk and spreads it, better get a medic

Or everybody gets it and it's an epidemic

You're like a trash truck, so keep your trap shut

All you really wanna do is make a fast buck

That's why rap sucks, it's too limited

Potty mouths wanna keep hip-hop primitive

I'm not sayin that I never cuss

But profanity shouldn't be a crutch

So now you been caught, shoulda thought when you spoke

Wash the potty mouth out with soap

(Aaah! You said that word)


(I'm gonna tell yo momma on you)

You're puckerin up, then you huff and you puff

And then cover the cuss with a ( *bleep* )

(Aaah! You said that word)


(I'm gonna tell yo momma on you)

You're puckerin up, then you huff and you puff

And then cover the cuss with a (ish)

Ooh ooh, shame on you

Tell me what you're tryin to do

You better watch your mouth

You better watch your mouth

Ooh ooh, shame on you

Tell me what you're tryin to do

You better watch your mouth

You better watch your mouth

[ w/ choir - repeated until end ]

Ooh ooh, shame on you

Tell me what you're tryin to do

You better watch your mouth

You better watch your mouth

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    Alright, let's see tickets, ID's
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