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Sacrilege Song Lyrics
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Tarot strewn across the floor fate creeps under the creaking door say farewell to the salad days arms held out for the needle haze scars, scars start to show but don't, don't despair for the shame I know Bible for the love and damned religion for the pagan man faith and prayer for the chosen few mystic shades of violent hue blood, blood on my cheeks and the taste the taste of ash curls across my tongue Sacrilege, burning on the funeral pyre Sacrilege, toss and turn on the cross to burn Rape and pillage the sacred word heart of darkness crowned and stirred rite of passage reckless whirl fruit forbidden ritual swirl And you, what can you do? And I, I say there's nothing you can do to stop this Sacrilege, burning on the funeral pyre Sacrilege, toss and turn on the cross to burn Tarot strewn across the floor fate creeps under the creaking door say farewell to the salad days arms held out for the needle haze scars, scars start to show but don't, don't despair for the shame I know Sacrilege, burning on the funeral pyre Sacrilege, toss and turn on the cross to burn
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