Ullman Tracey - I Close My Eyes and Count to Ten Lyrics

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Artist: Ullman Tracey
Song Title: I Close My Eyes and Count to Ten
Visits: 732
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It isnt the way that you look
And it isnt the way that you talk
It isnt the things that you say or do
Make me want you so

It has nothing to do with the wine
Or the music thats flooding my mind
And never before have I been so sure
Youre the someone I dreamed I would find

Its the way you make me feel
The moment I am close to you
Its a feeling so unreal
Somehow I cant believe its true

The pounding I feel in my heart
The hoping that well never part
I cant believe
This is really happening to me

I close my eyes and count to ten
And when I open them
Youre still here
I close my eyes and count again
I cant believe it but youre still here.

We were strangers a moment ago
With a few dreams but nothing to show
The world was a place
With a frown on its face
And tomorrow is just I dont know

But the way you make me feel
The moment I am close to you
Its a feeling so unreal
Somehow I cant believe its true

Tomorrow will you still be here?
Tomorrow will come but I fear
That what is happening to me
Is only a dream

I close my eyes and count to ten
And when I open them
Youre still here
I close my eyes and count again
I cant believe it but youre still here
I close my eyes and count again
I cant believe it but youre still here
I close my eyes and count again
I cant believe it but youre still here
I close my eyes and count again
I cant believe it but youre still here
I close my eyes and count again
I cant believe it but youre still here

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    When I could be with you, oh yes you make it right..."

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