Ultimate Force - Im Not Playing Lyrics

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Artist: Ultimate Force
Song Title: Im Not Playing
Visits: 644
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..* Ego Trip's "Book of Rap Lists"; p. 69 *..

[Verse One]

I'm sportin rings and things, that's what money brings

If you act like you know I'll put you under my wing

If you act otherwise, and try to demise me

Take me for granted, then try to surprise me

I'm not a dreg, I'll break your legs

because you're yellow, just like the yolk of an egg

He's DJ Diamond D, and I'm the Master Rob

MC's bitin my rhymes like they were corn on the cob

or should I say cake, from the bites you take

Know what I'm sayin?I'm not playin

[Verse Two]

Now you know bro, that I'm an MC pro

and like a lamborghini, I'm geared to go

I was raised in Forrest, across from Morris

I got more hair on my chest than Chuck Norris

Smooth as suede, sharp as a blade

I'm not a knave, but rap is the trade

to get paid and laid, have it made in the shade

Here me ridin in my car you'd think it was a parade

Sweet as lemonade; it's not a game of charades

Know what I'm sayin?I'm not playin

[Verse Three]

Now.. why do people sweat me, they should just let me

go my way, but they just can't forget me

Is it my rhyme, or my personality?

Could it be my values, or morality?

Whatever the case, people stay in my face

It's startin to irk me, they tried to jerk me

but the tables are turned, it's them I'm jerkin

I'm dead workin, and you're still lurkin

I know you wanna be, Master R-O-B

Do you know what I'm sayin?I'm not playin

[Verse Four]

People who never used to speak, now they scream my name

But I know that it's just a popularity game

Girls who thought they were fly, now they all say hi

but I guess they didn't get it - I'm not widdit

Cause I'm not souped, I started rappin in a group

Problems arose, and they flew the coup

NMD, Charlie Rock, and Show and Tell

I'm the only one left, but hey that's swell

I'm not coppin a plea, nor Diamond D

You comprehend what I'm sayin?Dude, I'm not playin

[Verse Five]

I'm not playin, or jokin, not from Hoboken

It's kinda hot in here that's why I'm soakin wet

But don't fret it ain't nothin but sweat

The name is Master Rob and I will never forget

when I was younger, and filled with hunger

Go to a jam and get told to get from under

the ropes it used to piss me off, but I was young

I'm tellin you now, that my time has come!

And we're the pair that dares, we're not scared of stares

Do you know what I'm sayin?I'm not playin

.. I'm not playin

.. know what I'm sayin?

.. C'mon Diamond, we outta here, Strong City in effect, word up

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