Ultraspank - Smile Lyrics

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Artist: Ultraspank
Song Title: Smile
Visits: 712
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I don't know enough about you

To leave myself wide open

And I don't know when I've had enough

To remove myself from you

Try not to think it out

Try not to act it out

Cut it shut it keep it down

Never let it leave the ground

I gather up what you'll give

But it never helps fill the sieve

Because I don't know enough about you

To leave myself wide open

Try not to think it out

Try not to act it out

Cut it shut it keep it down

Never let it leave the ground

It doesn't matter anyway

When it's all said and gone away

Accumulate experience

Accumulate experience

Time goes by and within it's smile

You think you'd find a way

But it seems so hard to pick apart

It is so far away

It's only what it means

And never what it seems

It's only in the eyes of me

It circles to the end

It lives to upend

That's only when it starts again

Times goes by and within it's smile

You think you'd find a way

But it seems so hard to pick apart

It is so far away

Times goes by

It seems to hide

It is so far away

And all the while

It beams this smile

It is so far away

It is so far

Smile Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Ultraspank song Lyrics
  • 5
    Falling apart
    I'm sickening
    I'm sickening..."
  • Burnt
    "Crawl from my hole
    Covered in mud
    Force my face up
    Towards the sun..."
  • Butter
    "Pull me from the toaster
    Straight into the roaster
    Fill my head with the stuff
    Brightest dreams are made of..."
  • Click
    Somewhere out there is a better day
    Somewhere out there has to be
    Better than today..."
  • Crack
    "I don't know what's growing on the inside
    But I do know how it looks from the outside
    Never before...until you dropped..."
  • Crumble
    "Staring at the empty
    I need to move along
    Choose to see it your way
    Leaves me all alone..."
  • Feed
    It's dark
    Right now
    Release me..."
  • Fired
    "Feel the waking up
    Feel the breaking loose
    Start the engine turning
    Feel the inside burning..."

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