Ulver - Iv Wolf Man Lyrics

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Artist: Ulver
Ulver Author
Song Title: Iv Wolf Man
Visits: 1188
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Da Trolddommen bleff hved - & need
Paa Jorden han svved: Da som nu
Vaer Jaget ved at lefve, ved at aande,
Ved hver Bevgelse saa stoor at nesten
dend vaer Smerte - Medens han gik omkring
Blandt Mennisker, vaer han skuffed frst:
I Liivets ydre vaer der intent Skifte
Lig det han hafvde flt i Ulvens Liiv
De trller under ham
med et troskyldig Sind
Fryckter ham,
Een Krafft aff sand Natur,
Som Sanser uden Selfbedrag
Han gliider useet blandt dem, streifer i sit Jag
Lig Kvldens Farver, Nattens Aandedrag
For ingen Guderst hafver nogensiden
Git Mennisket Svar paa hvem han skiulede
Dmon, Phantom & Varulv
Vaer kund Naffn paa det de selv aldrig kunde finde
End han -
I hans Hirte: Een affgrund tung
Som det sorte Hav
Der eldsker sine Dyb
Der -
I Vintrens Bund
Flder han al deris Glde,
Liiv, Mod & Haab
Maanen, stiigende paanye,
Hilser ham fra en sunken Himmel
..Oc ved den lydende Midnatssalme
Som Fryckt i Natten vver
Skald de fromme atter falme

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Other Ulver song Lyrics
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    And all this time she was tremendously excited..."
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    "I remember walking, one side of town to the other
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  • We Are The Dead
    "Ghosts presence, ghost music in the radio at night,
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    around the glowing red eye.
    Voices that talk and talk towards nothing,..."
  • Dead City Centres
    "You're taking a ride to the underworld
    Where death lurks in dark corners
    And trouble is never far away
    Wild gangs rule by fear and prey on the weak..."
  • Nowhere Catastrophe
    "You fly, or rather float, drift
    Through an enormous dark room
    A room of noises
    Endless shimmering glissandi..."
  • Capitel I : I Troldskog Faren Vild
    "1. The eternal female groan'd! It was heard all over the earth.
    2. Albion's coast is sick silent; the American meadows faint!
    3. Shadows of prophecy shiver along by the lakes and the rivers
    4. Golden Spain burst the barriers of old Rome;..."

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