Unbekannt - Minsche Wie Mir Lyrics

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Artist: Unbekannt
Song Title: Minsche Wie Mir
Visits: 587
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Well you wake up in the morning.
Hear the ding dong ring,
You go a-marching to the table,
See the same damn thing;
Well, it's on a one table,
Knife, a fork and a pan,
And if you say anything about it,
You're in trouble with the man.

cho: Let the midnight special
Shine her light on me;
Let the midnight special
Shine her ever-loving light on me.

If you ever go to Houston.
You better walk right;
You better not stagger,
You better not fight;
Sheriff Benson will arrest you,
He'll carry you down,
And if the jury finds you guilty,
Penitentiary bound.

Yonder come little Rosie,
How in the world do you know,
l can tell her by her apron,
And the dress she wore.
Umbrella on her shoulder,
Piece of paper in her hand,
She goes a-marching to the captain,

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