Uncle Kracker - Aces Eights Lyrics

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Artist: Uncle Kracker
Uncle Kracker Author
Song Title: Aces Eights
Visits: 772
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Walked up in the bar sat down on the stool

And got the low down from the guy with the jewel

He was playin' pool and he thought he was good

Cuz he bet me 5 dimes he could sink em with his foot

He grabbed a stick tried to kick it with his heel

Did a sic back flip and ended up full kneel

He didn't squeal but it looked like it hurt

And it did cuz he took me for my cash and my shirt

I got worked but what's worse than that

Just as he was leaving he tipped his hat

Then he laughed and said "I'm sorry 'bout your luck"

When he walked out the door he got hit by a truck


Aces and eights, aces and eights, aces and eights

That's a dead mands hand

Aces and eights, aces and eights, aces and eights

That's a dead mands hand

Aces and eights, aces and eights, aces and eights

That's a dead mands hand

Aces and eights, aces and eights, aces and eights

How about the guy used to hang in the clubs

Getting all the numbers and getting all the love

he didn't wear gloves he was too hard core

May he rest in peace we don't see him anymore

Lots of stories and old cliches

Small town girl tryin' to make her way

She moved to the city all she wanted was a job

Now she's underneath the desk tryin' to move to the top

It won't stop cuz the circle won't let it

Be careful what you wish for

You might get it

You know the cat got macked by the bees

He was messin' with the honey and the mouse and the cheese


You could beat the system you could beat your girl

But who ya gonna beat come the end of the world

(Imagine) everything you ever worked for (strived for)

Suddenly becomin' everything your gonna die for

Now what'd ya live for? Nothing anymore right

How could you live your life uptight?

See everything you did and everything you seen

Rolled around in the mud but you couldn't come clean

And that makes you dirty now how does that feel?

Living life like an open cut that won't heal

Sore at the world and you don't know why

You boucned like a ball and that's how you'll die


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