Uncle Kracker - Keep It Coming Lyrics

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Artist: Uncle Kracker
Uncle Kracker Author
Song Title: Keep It Coming
Visits: 831
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I'll keep it, I'll keep it, I'll keep it, I'll keep it...

I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh

Ain't it great to be alive
Ain't it great to breathe
Ain't it great to have hit songs hidden up my sleeves
I ain't silly and my songs ain't cute
I don't fly like a bird I just shine for loot... uh!

You can believe I ain't close to done
You talk hits, you've never been close to one
You ain't supposed to run, you can tell them I said that
Quick from the get, you know my hearts where my heads at

I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh

I'll keep it, I'll keep it, I'll keep it...

I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh

Spent the last six months sittin' out in the cold
You know I cried for help but I got put on hold
We dropped Doublewide and you thought it would fold
It wasn't lookin' good, but now your uncle went Gold
Sold five hundred thou like PLOW
Pushed one million everybody went HOW?
Now I'm TWO PLUS...sittin' TWO PLUSH
I dare your punk ass to ask me WHAT?
I sold the farm and bought it right back
I was sittin' in the red but now I'm back in the black... uh!
I'm in tact went from broke to plastic
All my hoopties turned into classics

I've outlasted singin' Yes Yes Y'all
Got em' all kinda hopin' I'll return their calls
And just when you thought that there was nothin' to see
You heard me comin' around the corner hummin'... Follow Me
And here I am, I'm live and direct
I'm makin' everybody wonder what I'm gonna do next
I don't flex because that's not my style
I'll be singin' what I'm bringin' baby all the while and I...

I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh

I'll keep it, I'll keep it, I'll keep it...

I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh
I'll keep it comin' with the.. Oooh

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    Oooooo I saw your face..."
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    Did I come or did I go
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    Why I listen I don't know..."
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    say. but the hardest thing i had to do scince we been apart is..."
  • Writing It Down
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    I wanna wake up on the warm side of the bed
    How I start here
    And how I end there..."
  • A Place At My Table
    "And you?ll always have a place at my table
    Hey dinner?s ready come on and eat
    Get her done
    This ain?t no Memphis soul songs..."
  • Some Things You Cant Take Back
    "Well she was lookin? out the window
    And I was starin? at the door
    The dog was sleepin? on the sofa
    This place has never been this quiet before..."
  • Songs About Me, Songs About You
    "Well you?ve been movin? all down that highway
    You can turn another page
    And if you finally get to the old folks home
    Then you can finally act your age..."

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