Uncle Kracker F/ Kid Rock - What You Looking At? Lyrics
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Uncle Kracker F/ Kid Rock Singer Lyrics
What You Looking At? Song Lyrics
Uncle Kracker F/ Kid Rock
Song Title:
What You Looking At?
Print Version
Seven fourty seven come eleven or bust.
Somebody take me home I wanna live in lust
But trust is low, and stakes are high.
that's all I ever did in Denver was die
that's all I ever did in New York was die
that's all I ever did in L.A. was die
So put em up put em up to the sky
and wave bye bye to Mrs. American Pie (bye bye)
cause you been telling lies
you took it all and abused it
whatever happened to the feel good music?
some where some how some way some body pulled the plug
and left me sitting in a dirty little pub
I gotta tell ya baby, lifes been good to me
and I know that makes you mad cause thats something you can't see
I got everything I ever wanted and I"ll never give that back
oh I know you hate that fact but you ain't gotta look at me like that
I say you ain't gotta look at me like that
What you looking at?
What you looking at?
What you looking at?
What you looking at?
You run around pulling stunts like that
see never in my life could I front like that
I ain't cut like that, I couldn't run like that
I'm a keep it non fiction and take my hat...off
remeber that when things look grim
I spent a lot of money and time on whims
I remeber the chrome
remember the good times
remember the ornge
and I remember the sunshine
it's all gone that's a thing of the past
the fact remains that it moves real fast
so while you sit around hoping things won't change
I'll be sitting pretty saying "hey Rocky wait!"
I gotta tell ya baby, lifes been good to me
and I know that makes you mad cause thats something you can't see
I got everything I ever wanted and I"ll never give that back
oh I know you hate that fact but you ain't gotta look at me like that
I say you ain't gotta look at me like that
You'll hear me coming hummis arms of redemption
I've been in blast for last in detention
I got your extension but I'll propably never call
cause this time last your you ain't see me in your crystal ball
and I'm appaled by the things you've done
left a trail of wrongs and can't account for one
now you're odne and I'm glad
but it's a shame you waist it
you want this so bad you can taste it
Detroit love can you feel that?
stick and move can you feel that?
I'm on the rack for the 2 triple O
full failure American hero
I gotta tell ya baby, lifes been good to me
and I know that makes you mad cause thats something you can't see
I got everything I ever wanted and I"ll never give that back
oh I know you hate that fact but you ain't gotta look at me like that
I say you ain't gotta look at me like that
I gotta tell ya baby, lifes been good to me
and I know that makes you mad cause thats something you can't see
I got everything I ever wanted and I"ll never give that back
oh I know you hate that fact but you ain't gotta look at me like that
I say you ain't gotta look at me like that
What You Looking At? Lyrics
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Other Uncle Kracker F/ Kid Rock song Lyrics
Intro (Double Wide)
"Kracker - I guess this is where I get off
Kid Rock - Yep, remember everything I told you
Kracker - Yep
Kid Rock - Got Your Song Book?..."
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