Uncle Mingo - Bottle of Moonlight Lyrics

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Artist: Uncle Mingo
Song Title: Bottle of Moonlight
Visits: 735
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Sometimes I go back to that night when the wind hits my hair
And pieces of my memory come back to take me there
For a moment I am drifting with the wind across the sea in the hemisphere
that's south of here where the fruit grows in the trees
There is where I met my fair Spanish maiden with flowers in her hair
She spoke to me I did not understand but she did not seem to care

(CHORUS) Mas despacio, no comprende, no entiendo- what you say?
- I can not understand you but I love you anyway
- Yo lo tengo- A Bottle of Moonlight & sand beneath my feet on that Caribbean
- Reach right up and touch the sky, surrounded by the contents of the Bottle of
Moonlight that's within your eyes

She doesn't speak a bit of English, and yo no hablo Espanol
- We have better conversations than most people that I know
- All those fancy Spanish words to me they don't make beans,
but when she looks me in the eyes I know just what she means
- A common language we don't have, but what we've got is a mutual understanding
- When your words must speak for love, then what you've got has become all too


So we were married on the beach in a chapel made of sand
- Jose Cuervo was the priest and a lime was my best man
- We made are vows, and took our cares and threw them all away
- We danced along the moonlit shores and limboed the night away
- And even now when the wind will blow sometimes I can still hear her say
"and now I know you've got to go, but I'll wait for you come back to me some


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