Undead - When the Evening Comes Lyrics

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Artist: Undead
Song Title: When the Evening Comes
Visits: 658
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We don't want the poor in New York City
No! That's not the way it's supposed to be
We don't want the poor in New York City
In America! The land of the free
You got nothing to say
Shut your mouth
Get in line
You got nothing to say
Here's your check
Here's your food stamps
'Til next time
We don't want the poor in New York City
No! That's not the way it's supposed to be
We don't want the poor in New York City
In America! The land of the free
Move you down to the Lower East Side
Raise the rent
Speculation, gentrification
Move up to Harlem, the South Bronx
Then who knows where?
We don't care
We don't want the poor in New York City
No! That's not the way it's supposed to be
We don't want the poor in New York City
In America! The land of the free
They got me in a rut
I don't know where I'm going
Crammed into a few small blocks of the Ghetto
Break out!
We don't want the rich in New York City
I don't care about them, they don't care about me
We don't need the rich in New York City
Just wait and see
We don't want the rich in New York City
They cram us into Ghettos
Soon, they'll be building walls
We don't want the rich in New York City
It's like Germany, back in '43

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  • Eve of Destruction
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  • Evening of Desire
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    Violence flaring, bullets loading
    You're old enough to kill..."
  • Gimme Your Autograph
    "You give me love
    You me everything you can
    You give me love
    You make me feel like I'm a man..."
  • Hollywood Boulevard
    "Gimme your autograph
    This one's gonna be your last
    Gimme your autograph
    You were my favorite star..."
  • I Dont Want to Go
    "The full moon's light broken by the blades of a helicopter
    People screaming, running, lights flashing
    Suddenly, a beam of light from the overhead chopper, detects my presence
    He radios to the ground troops and a hundred, or more black leather boots..."

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