Undercover - Baker Street (Extended Mix) Lyrics

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Artist: Undercover
Song Title: Baker Street (Extended Mix)
Visits: 679
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Winding your way down to Baker Street
Light in your head and dead on your feet
Well, another crazy day, you'll drink the night away
And forget about everything

This city desert makes you feel so cold
It's got so many people, but it's got no soul
And it's taken you so long to find out you were wrong
And you thought about everything

You used to think that it was so easy
You used to say that it was so easy
But you're trying, you're trying now

Another year and then you'll be happy
Just one more year and then you'll be happy
But you're crying, you're crying now

Way down the street there's a light in his place
He opens the door, he's got that look on his face
And he asks where you've been
You tell him who you've seen, and you talk about anything

He's got this dream about buying some land
He's gonna give up the booze and the one night stand
And then he'll settle down in this quiet little town
And forget about everything

But you know he's gonna keep moving
You know he's never gonna stop moving
He's rolling, he's the rolling stone

When you wake up it's a new morning
The sun is shining, it's a new morning
But you're going, you're going home

Winding your way down to Baker Street
Light in your head and dead on your feet
Well, another crazy day, you'll drink the night away
And forget about everything

This city desert makes you feel so cold
It's got so many people, but it's got no soul
And it's taken you so long to find out you were wrong
And you thought about everything

You used to think that it was so easy
You used to say that it was so easy
But you're trying, you're trying now

Another year and then you'll be happy
Just one more year and then you'll be happy
But you're crying, you're crying now

Baker Street (Extended Mix) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Undercover song Lyrics
  • Baker Street
    "Winding your way down to Baker Street
    Light in your head and dead on your feet
    Well another crazy day
    You drink the night away..."
  • Bakerstreet
    "Winding your way down on Bakerstreet
    Light in your head and dead on your feet
    Well another crazy day you'll drink the night away
    and forget about everything..."

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