Underground Velvet - Chelsea Girls Lyrics

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Artist: Underground Velvet
Song Title: Chelsea Girls
Visits: 636
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Here's Room five four six
it's enough to make you sick
Bridget's all wrapped up in foil
you wonder if
she can uncoil

Here they come now
see them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Here's Room One fifteen
filled with SM queens
Magic marker row
you wonder just
how high they go

Here they come now
see them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Here's Pope dear Ondine
Rona's treated him so mean
She wants another scene
she wants to be
a human being

Here they come now
see them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Pepper she's having fun
she thinks she's some men's son
Her perfect loves don't last
her future died
in someone's past

Here they come now
see them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Dear Ingrid's found her lick
she's turned another trick
Her treats and times revolves
she's got problems
to be solved

Here they come now
see them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Poor Mary, she's uptight
she can't turn out her light
She rolled Susan in a ball
and now she can't
see her at all

Here they come now
see them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Drop out, she's in a fix
amphetamine has made her sick
White powder in the air
she's got no bones
and can't be scared

Here they come now
see them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Here comes Johnny Bore
he collapsed on the floor
They shut him up with milk
and when he died
sold him for silk

Here they come now
see them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

Here they come now
see them run now
Here they come now
Chelsea Girls

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Other Underground Velvet song Lyrics
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    What goes on in your mind?
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  • Some Kinda Love
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  • Pale Blue Eyes
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    Sometimes I feel so happy
    But mostly you just make me mad..."
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    Some people work very hard,
    but still they never get it right...."
  • Im Set Free
    "I've been set free and I've been bound
    To the memories of yesterday's clouds
    I've been set free and I've been bound
    And now I'm set free..."
  • The Murder Mystery
    "candy screen wrappers of silkscreen fantastic, requiring memories, both lovely and guiltfree, lurid and lovely with twilight of ages, luscious and lovely and filthy with laughter, laconic giggles, ennui fort the passions, in order to justify most spurious desires, rectify moments, most serious and urgent, to hail upon the face of most odious time, requiring replies most facile and vacuous, with words nearly singed, with the heartbeat of passions, spew forth with the grace of a tart going under, subject of great concern, noble origin
    please raise the flag rosy red carpet envy english used here is messenger is nervous it's no fun at all out here in the hall
    for screeching and yelling and various offenses, lower the queen and bend her over the tub, against the state, the country, the committe, hold her head under the water please for an hour, for groveling and spewing and various offenses, puncture the bloat with the wing of a sparrow, the inverse, the obverse, the converse,the reverse, the sharpening wing of the edge of a sparrow, for suitable reckonings too numerous to mention, as the queen is fat she is devoured by rats there is one way to skin a cat or poison a rat it is hetero four hear to three forthirightly stated.
    put down that rag simpering, callow and morose who let you in? if I knew, then I could get out the murder you see is a mystery to me..."
  • After Hours
    If you close the door, the night could last forever
    Leave the sunshine out and say hello to never
    All the people are dancing and they're havin such fun..."

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