Underoath - Act Of Depression Lyrics
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Act Of Depression Song Lyrics
Act Of Depression (1999)
Song Title:
Act Of Depression
Print Version
I tried to cry out from the inside,
But I guess my soul did not pour itself out enough
Blood on the walls, flaming black, blood on the walls,
I saw you staring through the cracks
No one was to know what was happening in me I felt no love,
I felt no reason to carry on with my life
Everything was wrong, nothing was right,
At least that is what I thought
Kids finding laughter at my expense
They were killing me on the inside they couldn't give up their pride
My heart was bleeding from so much grieving
On the outside I looked fine,
You couldn't tell but on the inside was eternal hell
I got caught up in the moment of depression,
and before I knew it my bodywas lying on the ground
With a gun in my hand my hourglass was out of sand
Thanks to all the people who drove me to death
Without you I could of never ended my breath
Through your anger and hate, I was able to choose my fate
There was a way out, but I chose the easy route
Blast of a gun, breath runs out, final thoughts put to extinction
No more pain, no more love,
For you have chosen suicide as the way out... help them
Ice cold fingers, body lays on the floor,
pool of blood you see, you scream out in terror
Her body is now a part of mutilation,
Her soul the victim of strangulation
I will not accept this evil anymore
I never thought of who I hurt or I never tried to look for the good
I'm sorry for whoever I hurt, it's not easy to look back on my life,
and know I did not know Christ
For now I live in a real hell
I wish I had another chance... then I would live my life with love
Act Of Depression Lyrics
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Other Underoath song Lyrics
When The Sun Sleeps
"i thought you'd come back
the romance has been dead for years
but i've been too afraid
relief, support, never came..."
Letting Go Of Tonight
"Never forget the time you made me feel alive
When death was on my mind
Or when you held onto me
When the world let me fall behind..."
A Message For Adrienne
"I tried so hard to be her day
But the night has already taken me away
Shredding dreams under the maple tree
Where I carved your name..."
Never Meant To Break Your Heart
"Tears run down my face just like the last
No different from yesterday
Sick from the mirror
Do these payers feel sincere..."
Changing Of Times
"never expected it to arrive so soon
but as the night drifted on
it came time to say goodbye
turning your back and walking away..."
Angel Below
"You took me over the edge
And left me there to fall by myself
The word love meant nothing to you
I was taken in with your lies..."
Short Of Daybreak
"Another year has gone by
Time just took it away
Friends have changed
Clear skies watched over us..."
Alone In December
"You always amazed me
But that's the past
I kept silent and it rained for days
My insides were drenched..."
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