Underoath - Cries Of The Past Lyrics
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Cries Of The Past Song Lyrics
Cries Of The Past (2000)
Song Title:
Cries Of The Past
Print Version
it happened all so fast heavy with sleep my eyes closed
the next thing i remember was crawling out from the car and
seeing you lying there
holdin your head kissing you for the last time
the taste of blood on my lips
your clothes torn apart perfumed with gas
it seems like it was yesterday when the rain poured down
i can still hear your screams as if it was happening all over again
saturday, december 4th that night woudl become a grave
that would crush my heart
joy and laughter exchanged for grief and silence
searching for so long to fnd you and the moment
you were ripped from me
laying here on this empty shelf never to be read again
in these pages lies every memory of you
the wind blew your heart over my eyes and i slept for days
praying not to awake, but these dreams can only last so long
facing the day looking through these tears
i'll always look back and remember that night as you lay there
looking over that casket seeing your face times of past rushing
touching your cold hand wishing it woudl touch me back
you look so pretty lying thee just like the first day we met
it feels so real like olt times but it's nothing, it's nothing
i can taste the stale air on my tongue and death lights up the sky
hope finds itself it and end stopping at my thoughts
pictures of you help bring back the tears
walking in the present but living in the past
how much longer will i embrace sorrow?
from the moment you entered my life
my whole outlook on love would change
you brought out a happiness i didn't even know i had
and now you've gone leaving without a goodbye
that glass heart that rested in my chest has fallen and shattered
here on lord is the remains of a broken heart
for i have faith you can give me joy and life again
death has fallen but love covers me
heaven is now home to my angel of love
Cries Of The Past Lyrics
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Other Underoath song Lyrics
When The Sun Sleeps
"i thought you'd come back
the romance has been dead for years
but i've been too afraid
relief, support, never came..."
Letting Go Of Tonight
"Never forget the time you made me feel alive
When death was on my mind
Or when you held onto me
When the world let me fall behind..."
A Message For Adrienne
"I tried so hard to be her day
But the night has already taken me away
Shredding dreams under the maple tree
Where I carved your name..."
Never Meant To Break Your Heart
"Tears run down my face just like the last
No different from yesterday
Sick from the mirror
Do these payers feel sincere..."
Changing Of Times
"never expected it to arrive so soon
but as the night drifted on
it came time to say goodbye
turning your back and walking away..."
Angel Below
"You took me over the edge
And left me there to fall by myself
The word love meant nothing to you
I was taken in with your lies..."
Short Of Daybreak
"Another year has gone by
Time just took it away
Friends have changed
Clear skies watched over us..."
Alone In December
"You always amazed me
But that's the past
I kept silent and it rained for days
My insides were drenched..."
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" and search album songs from the artist page.
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