Underworld - Dark & Long Lyrics

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Artist: Underworld
Underworld Author
Album: Dark and Long (1998)
Underworld - Dark and Long Album
Song Title: Dark & Long
Genre: Dance
Visits: 636
Print Version

thunderthunder lightning ahead

kissyoukissyou dark and long
(bright light slave)....
thunderthunder lightning ahead

thunderthunder lightning

thunderthunder lightning ahead

nowikissyou dark and long

thunderthunder lightning ahead

kissyoukissyou dark and long

i'm just a waitress
she said
i went and bought a new head
she said
look at you i believe in you
she said
screamin into the eye of the lens

i want to smash it up
i want to break it down
i want a wall of tears
to wash away

(bright light slave)...

thunderthunder lightning ahead

thunderthunder lightning

thunderthunder lightning ahead

nowikissyou dark and long

filled with tainted girls
and motel frills
what a laugh

you was done up there, mate

thunderthunder lightning ahead

icouldkissyou dark and long

thunderthunder lightning ahead

nowikissyou dark and long

shout your love
the stars are black
the church is sweet
my skin is hot

thunderthunder lightning ahead

nowikissyou dark and long

shout your love

(bright light slave

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