Underworld - Juanita/Kiteless/To Dream of Love Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> U>> Underworld Singer Lyrics>> Juanita/Kiteless/To Dream of Love Song Lyrics
Artist: Underworld
Underworld Author
Song Title: Juanita/Kiteless/To Dream of Love
Visits: 630
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your rails
your thin
your thin paper wings
your thin paper wings
in the wind,

your sun, fly
your window, shattering

your rails
your thin
your thin paper wings

sugarbox - sugarboy
riding in
riding in
sugarbox - sugarboy
handheld candle sugarboy

your rails
your thin
your thin paper wings
your thin paper wings
in the wind,

your sun, fly
your window shattered in the wind
your cocacola saint,


homeless strays,
outside your window
bootleg babies call to you lying among the mosquitos
that summer's fever coming

cats are gathering
outside your window
homeless strays
bootleg babies,
calling to you
lying among
lie among the mosquitos

your rails
your thin
your thin paper wings
in the wind
your sun, fly

your window shattered in the wind
the sun lying
your cocacola sign

your rails
your thin
paper wings
paper wings


homeless strays,
outside your window
bootleg babies call to you,
lying among the mosquitos
and the summer's fever coming

cats are gathering
outside your window
homeless strays
bootleg babies
calling to you
lying among
lying among the mosquitos

your rails
your thin
your thin paper wings
in the wind
your sun, fly


your window shattered in the wind
the sun and on your cocacola saint

your rails
your thin paper wings

paper wings


talk to me...

there is a sound on the other side of this wall
burning singing on the other side of this glass
footsteps concealed
silence is preserving the voice

walking in the wind at the water's edge
comes close to covering my rubber feet
listening to the barbed wire hanging

there is a sound on the other side of this wall
burning singing on the other side of this glass
footsteps concealed
silence is preserving the voice

silver chain
thrown away
broken wing

silver and blue and blue and denim
and silver and red and silver and red
and blue and yellow and white and blue
and blue and red and grey and red and
green and blue and yellow and black and
black and red and green and white and blue
(and blue)
and grey and blue and white and yellow
and black and white and blue
(and blue)
and red and white and red and grey
and grey and red and red and yellow and
green and grey and blue and blue and grey
and yellow
(and white)
and silver and black and green and
(and white)
and black and silver and white and
grey and blue
(and blue)
and grey and silver and white and white
and red and curry and green and grey
(and brown)
and white and green and red and red
and green and white and black and silver
and silver and green and grey and black
and black and red and white and grey and
red and blue
(and blue)
and blue and blue...

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