Union 13 - Virtual Everafter Lyrics

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Artist: Union 13
Song Title: Virtual Everafter
Visits: 763
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Where we're going none of. this really

matters what evolution ladder? building toward

leaving the human body of obsoletequality your

mind in a box a virtual everafter no muscles to

create laughter in a second you can change your

perception life, at the speed of light no more

day and night "the prophecy of annihilation is not

nearly enough to stop the human consciousness

from pressing it's own luck" too bad too late the

process has begun it's all been said and done

between big minds hidden behind black projects

it's not plausible to deny this

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Other Union 13 song Lyrics
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  • Youth Betrayal And The Awakening
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    Cargando una cruz esperando nuestro final
    Cada paso que das nuestros dias terminan..."
  • For Someone
    "For someone we've pushed and gambled
    //Lost in every way and angle//
    For someone we've had to struggle
    //We couldn't get ourselves untangled//..."
  • To Understand
    "There's many things to understand
    More than pebbles in the sand
    More than dirt on our hands
    When I look forward I can start,..."
  • Innocence
    "You can't win all the time.
    No one owns the perfect mind.
    You can build and hope to find
    the tangible worth while kind...."
  • Try
    "Life is joke or at least that's how we treat it
    Common sense is scare now that we really need it
    The scales tip on stupid
    It didn't have to end this way..."

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