United Kingdom - Destroy the Scenery Lyrics

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Artist: United Kingdom
Song Title: Destroy the Scenery
Visits: 649
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Intro: Timbo King]
United Kingdom... the UK
We're bringing fire war
To those that oppose against the chosen

[Timbo King - Royal Fam]
As the sun rises, heat rays strikes the light geysers
Vision makes me see all snakes through their disguises
Who's the wisest, you'll be under, we'll be overstanding
The four devils don't exist in our cipher
We have to fight you, free from dumb, true and lighter
Knowledge provider, my limitation is above water
These are the days of the last quarter
Staying in tune, observing all aspects of life
Intelligent minds building electrical powerlines
Magnetic attracts metal made of steel
Disconnect your internet, burn corporate seals
Islams is shield, when we fight against satin
Allah you Akbar, time for revelations
I'll bomb nations who deal with paganism
False teaching, were here to civilize a whole region
Right and exact, my brain contains inner, outer tissues
While you be popping pistols, we be launching nuclear missles
Crimson Tide, we react like Denzel
Murder verses creating more bars than in jail
Inhale and exhale, we prevail

[Snuggle-Up - C.O.I.N.S.]
Money, you stole my rhyme, so why dont you just confess?
Your mouth will say no, but your body will say yes
Your ears'll say i heard it, your feet: "I brung a beer"
The angel'll find you quilty and award me the mayor
Internal flowing on a mountain thats blasted
So, cry for your lives and the fight is everlasting
Freeze, repent ladies and gents and save your spirit
Cuz once judgment comes, I aint trying to hear it
Suckers say, "aint nothing wrong, love is something long"
But nowadays hit the wrong button and your gone
Its written and caress about people having sex
If your holes too big, uhh shorty i'll renig
A fig with milk, the Eifel Tower tilts
To roast MC's thats why the Coin MC was built
My grandmom's took a whole year to sew a quilt
It read, "a hard head leaves a soft tale"
So, when you cheat, you get a beating
I hope it rings a bell, one, two, I know you Power-U
This is a message to you and you and you

[Timbo King]
What? Yo
You fake moves like you play chess
Off with your head, yes, striking at night with a army vest
Test the mic with words that's scientific
A chemist in a laboratory building off physics
I break you down, chopping you up in small pieces
My flows updated like pants without creases
Heat releases when energy is conducted
A forty block radius, the castle is constructed
My fam's loyal, we stay royal just like Egyptians
I slam like Islam, my knowledge brings wisdom
I bomb you with plutanium, mixed with C-4
Fuck up your route and lane with a detour
You rap peasants, you dont impress my intelligence
Off with your head, pawn 4, no type of evidence
Case closed, legally, we be regally
Catapults hit direct, destroy the scenery

[Outro: Snuggle-Up, (Timbo King), *Killarmy sample in background*]
(What?, destroy the scenery, what?, y'all don't want it)
You know what I mean?, my man Kruger's even here
All of my other family's here
You know who I'm talking about... the real cats,
the real kings, the real Gods, y'all dont want it
U.K., U.K., we're gonna bring that in, y'all,
for the '98 and on, and on, we're gonna bring that in, y'all
U.K., we rule, we're taking out your kingdom
What?, for real, everything is ours
U.K., '98, word is bond
Peace to the Gods and Earths-Queens

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