Unknown - Campbell The Drover Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown
Song Title: Campbell The Drover
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Campbell, the Drover

The first day of April I'll never forget
Three English lassies together they met
They mounted their horses and swore solemnly
That they would play a trick on the first man they see

And sing fol the rol daddy
Fol the rol daddy
Fol the rol daddy
Sing fol the rol day

Oh, Campbell, the drover, went riding one day
And soon he encountered those ladies so gay
They reined in their horses and he did the same
And in close conversation together they came

They asked him to show them the way to the inn
And would he drink whiskey or would he drink gin?
Then Campbell made answer and said with a smile
"Sure, I long for to taste the strong ale of Carlisle"

They called in the servants and started a dance
They ordered the landlord to spare no expense
They danced the next morning 'til 'twixt eight and nine
And they called for their breakfast and afterwards wine

They mounted their horses, alas and alack
It dawned on the landlord they weren't coming back
He said, "My dear Irishman, I am afraid
That those three English jokers a trick on you played"

"Never mind," says old Campbell, "If they've gone astray
I've plenty of money, the reckoning to pay
Just sit down beside me, and before that I go
I'll teach you a trick that perhaps you don't know

"I'll teach you a trick that's contrary to law
Two kinds of whiskey from one cask to draw"
The landlord being eager to learn of the plan
Straighway to the cellar with Paddy, he ran

He soon bore a hole in a very short space
And he bade the landlord stick his thumb on then place
He then bored another, "Place your other thumb here
While I for a tumbler must run up the stairs"

When Campbell was mounted and well out of sight
The hostler came in in a terrible fright
He hunted the house, high up and low down
Half dead in the cellar, his master he found

"Go and find that bold Irishman," loudly he cried
"I fear he has vanished," the hostler replied
He said, "My dear landlord, I am afraid
That Campbell the drover, a trick on you played."

@drink @carousal
recorded by Margaret Christl and Ian Robb
collected by Helen Creighton from Angelo Dornan of New Brunswick
filename[ DROVCAMB

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