Unknown - Diana Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown
Song Title: Diana
Visits: 818
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(Ian Robb, 1981)

Our monarch's son, the Prince of Wales, a lovely boy they say
Got wed last week in London Town, all on a summer's day
With processions and with fanfares, a regular to-do
With all the royals from 'round the world, dukes and earls too.
And as their carriage passed along, amidst the shouts and cheers
With "Oohs" and "Aahs" and "ain't she lovely?" ringing in their ears
Our Queen she turned to Philip, with a tear all in her eye
And to her loving consort she reflected with a sigh,

She might have been a Catholic,
A Moslem or a Jew,
Red or black or yellow,
Or some other dreadful hue;
But she's Protestant, she's English,
And her blood is royal blue
She's a lady, she's perfection,
She's Diana
Ya-de-da-de, Ya-de-da-de, Ya-de-daah-de

Now, they say when Charlie brought her home one afternoon for tea,
His mum and dad were somewhat cool; well, quite predictably
For she weren't the first young debutante to try and trap his troth
And most had been unsuitable, or Catholic, or both.
But when they'd looked her in the mouth and she'd cantered round the yard
They soon began to think again; perhaps they'd been too hard?
So they had her checked for scandal, impropriety and sin:
They found her neat, sweet and complete, both outside and within.

Now, Lady Di, as she was known, soon played to rave reviews
The darling of the press was she; the nation's hottest news
There was pictures in the paper of her riding on her bike
They even showed some pictures that her daddy didn't like.
When Princess Anne got wind of this, she took Di by the hand;
Said "Darling, don't put up with this: - your privacy demand.
Be patient and be tactful, in the manner of a toff,
But when the bastards take no heed, just tell them 'Bugger off!' "
So, although she's scared of horses, thus a less-than-perfect mate
At Thirty-two Charles had to woo, before it got too late.
So the royal quack examined her and found her well equipped;
"For bearing royal offspring, she is adequately hipped."
She's beautiful, demure, she's graceful and refined,
With teeth that shine like pearls, and a face that's hardly lined.
She's intelligent, well spoken and extremely upper-class;
Yes, there's rather more to Lady Di than just a pretty . . . face.

She might have been a Catholic,
A Moslem or a Jew,
Red or black or yellow,
Or some other dreadful hue;
But she's protestant, she's English,
And her blood is royal blue
She's a lady, she's a mummy,
She's Diana
Ya-de-da-de, Ya-de-da-de, Ya-de-daah-de
@royalty @marriage @princess
filename[ PRNCSSDI

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