Unknown - Doctor Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown
Song Title: Doctor
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The Doctor
[words by Thomas Hood(1798-1845), music by Ernest Newton]

There once was a doctor,(no foe to the proctor)
A physic concoctor, whose dose was so pat,
However it acted, one speech it extracted
"Yes Yes", said the doctor, "I meant it for that!"

cho: He meant it for that,he meant it for that,
There's no doubt about it, he meant it for that.

And first, all "unaisy", like woman that's crazy
In flies Mrs. Casey---"Do come to poor Pat!
The blood's running faster, he's torn off the plaster!"
"Yes Yes", said the doctor, "I meant it for that!"


Anon, with an antic, quite strange and romantic
A woman comes frantic ---"What could you be at?
My darling deasr Alick, you've sent him oxalic!"
"Yes Yes", said the doctor, "I meant it for that!"


Then in comes another, dispatched by his mother,
A blubbering brother who gives a rat-tat;
"Oh poor little sister has licked off a blister!"
"Yes Yes", said the doctor, "I meant it for that!"


Now home comes the flunkey, his own powder monkey
But dull as a donkey, with basket and that ---
The draught for the squire, sir, he chucked in the fire, sir,
"Yes Yes", said the doctor, "I meant it for that!"


The next is the pompous head-beadle, old Bumpus
"Lord! Here is a rumpus. That pauper, old Nat
In some drunken notion has drunk up his lotion!"
"Yes Yes", said the doctor, "I meant it for that!"


At last comes a servant in grief very fervent
"Alas! Doctor Derwent, poor master is flat!
He's drawn his last breath, sir. That dose was his death, sir!
"Yes Yes", said the doctor, "I meant it for that!"


from the Scottish Students Song Book (1923 edition)
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