Unknown - Down Went Mcginty Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown
Song Title: Down Went Mcginty
Visits: 863
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(Joseph Flynn)

Sunday morning just at nine, Dan McGinty dressed so fine
Stood looking at a very high stone wall,
When his friend, young Pat McCann, says, "I'll bet five dollars, Dan
I could carry you to the top without a fall."
So on his shoulders he took Dan, to climb the ladder he began,
And soon commenced to reach up near the top;
When McGinty, cute old rogue, to win the five he did let go
Never thinking just how far he'd have to drop.
Down went McGinty to the bottom of the wall
And tho' he won the five, he was more dead than alive
Sure his ribs and nose and back were broke from getting such a fall
Dressed in his best suit of clothes.

From the hospital Mac went home, when they fixed his broken bones,
To find he was the father of a child;
So to celebrate it right, his friends he went to invite,
An@ soon he was drinking whiskey fast and wild;
Then he waddled down the street in his Sunday suit so neat
Holdlng up his head as proud as John the Great;
But in the sidewalk was a hole, to receive a ton of coal,
That McGinty never saw till just too late.

Down went McGinty to the bottom of the hole,
Then the driver of the cart gave the load of coal a start
And it took us half an hour to dig McGinty from the coal,
Dress'd in his best suit of clothes.

Now McG@nty raved and swore, about his clothes he felt so sore
And an oath he took he'd kill the man or die;
So he tightly grabbed his stick and hit the driver a lick,
Then he raised a little shanty on his eye.
But two policemen saw the muss and they soon joined in the fuss
Then they ran McGinty in for being drunk;
And the Judge says with a smile, we will keep you for a while
In a cell to sleep upon a prison bunk.
Down went McGinty to the bottom of the jail,
Where his board would cost him nix, and he stay'd exactly six;
They were big long months he stopp'd for no one went his bail
Dressed in his best suit of clothes.

Now McGinty thin and pale one fine day got out of jail,
And with joy to see his boy was nearly wild;
To his house he quickly ran to see his wife Bedaley Ann,
But she skipp'd away and took along the child.
Then he gave up in despair and he madly pulled his hair
As he stood one day upon the river shore;
Knowing well he couldn't swim, he did foolishly jump in,
Although watcr he had never took before.
Down went McGinty to t@e bottom of the say (sea)
And he must be very wet for they haven't found him yet
But they say his ghost comes round the docks before the break
of day,
Dressed in his best suit of clothes.

@Irish @drink @ghost
filename[ DWNMGNTY
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