Unknown - Jack Ash Society Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown
Song Title: Jack Ash Society
Visits: 998
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(Mary Brooks)

A bunch of jack ashes at large in this land
Have suffered a terrible fright
They looked under their beds and discovered such reds
As Allen and Milton and Dwight

If more you would know of this Jack-Ash credo
See the blue book, the black book, the white
If you do you will find we're all Reds of some kind,
Like Allen and Milton and Dwight.

Joe McCarthy is dead, so Jack Ash instead
Leads the anti-Communist fight;
U. S. Reds he has found swarming all around.
(179 million so far)
Including Allen and Milton and Dwight.

If you believe in more hospitals, housing, and schools,
New highways and civil rights,
The Ashites will add you to the un-American list,
Along with Allen and Milton and Dwight

Social security's a Bolshevik plot
Cooked up by some shrewd Muscovite.
So go naked you must or be security risk
Like Allen and Milton and Dwight.

Beware of good pay and the minimum wage,
It's part of the Socialist blight;
Created by conspirators bold,
Like Allen and Milton and Dwight.

Unemployment insurance is another Red trick
That slipped by in the dark of the night.
So send back your checks lest you share the fate,
Of Allen and Milton and Dwight.

These Jack-Ashes are drawing the lunatic fringe
Assembling on the right;
Barry's their man, he has no pinkish tan
Like Allen and Milton and Dwight.

There 's a man sitting on the Un-American Committee.
He's a Jack-Ash Society-ite;
I wonder what day he will send a subpoena
To Allen and Milton and Dwight.

The Jack-Ashes say that in World War II
We should have joined with the Third Reich;
Adolph can pass their loyalty test,
But not Allen and Milton and Dwight.

They want us to prepare for a nuclear war,
Kill everything human in sight;
And if you'd rather live, You're a Communist dupe,
Like Allen and Milton and Dwight

So all the Jack-Ashes should take some advice,
Wake up and start seeing the light
Their fuhrer may find they are Red agents too,
Like Allen and Milton and Dwight.

Now a candy bar's sweet, milk chocolate's a treat,
But ponder before you bite;
The worms hiding inside may shrivel your insides
Like Allen and Milton and Dwight.

Printed in Sing Out Reprints, Vol 4
filename[ JACKASH
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