Unknown - John Maclean March Lyrics

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Song Title: John Maclean March
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The John Maclean March
(Hamish Henderson)

Hey Mac did ye see him as ye cam in by Gorgie,
Awa ower the Lammerlaw and north o' the Tay ?
Yon man is comin' and the hale toon is turnin' oot,
We're a' sure he'll win back to Glasgow the day.

The jiners and hauders-on are marchin' fae Clydebank,
Come on noo and hear him, he'll be ower thrang tae bide.
Turn oot Jock and Jimmie, leave yer crane and yer muckle gantries
Great John Maclean's comin' back tae the Clyde.

Argyle Street and London Road's the route that we're marchin'
The lads frae the Broomielaw are here tae a man.
Hey, Neil, whaur's yer hoderums, ye big Hielan teuchter?.
Get yer pipes oot and march at the heid o'the clan!

Hallo Pat Malone, I knew you'd be here so
The red and the green we will wear side by side,
Gorbals is his the day and Glasgow belangs tae him,
Noo great John Maclean's comin' hame tae the Clyde.

Forward tae Glasgow Green we'll march in guid order,
Will grips his banner weel, that boy isna blate,
Aye there man, that's Johnny noo, that's him there, the bonnie fechter
Lenin's his fere, Mac, and Leibniz his mate.

Tak tent when he's speakin' for they'll mind whit he said here
In Glasgow our city and the hale world beside.
Hey, man, the scarlet's bonnie, here's tae ye Hielan' Johnny!
Oor John Maclean has come hame to the Clyde.

Ah weel noo its finished, I'm awa hame tae Springburn,
Come hame tae yer tea, John, we'll soon hae ye fed!
It's hard wark the speakin', ach! I'm sure he'll be tired the nicht,
I'll lie on the flair, Mac, and gie John the bed.

The hale city's quiet noo, It kens that he's restin'
At hame wi'his Glasgow freens, their joy and their pride.
The red will be worn again and Scotland will march again,
Noo great John Maclean has come hame tae the Clyde.

@Scots @political
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