Unknown - Nostradamus Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown
Song Title: Nostradamus
Visits: 761
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(Al Stewart)

In the East the winds are blowing the ships across the sea
And it's sails, they fill the morning, and their cries ring out to me

Oh the more it changes, the more it stays the same
The hand just rearranges the players in the game

Oh, I had a dream. It seemed I stood alone
And the veil of the ages, it goes sinking from my eyes like a stone

A king shall fall and put to death by the English Parliament shall be
Fire and flame to London come in the year of six and twenty-three

An emperor of France shall rise who shall be born near Italy
His reign shall cost his empire dear, Napoleron, his name shall be
Man, man, your time is sand. Your ways are leaves upon the sea
I am the eyes of Nostradamus, all your ways are known to me
From Castile shall Franco come and the government thrown down shall be
An English king shall seek divorce and from his throne cast down is he

One named Histler shall become captain of greater Germany
No law does this man observe, bloody his rise and fall shall be

Man, man, your time is sand. Your ways are leaves upon the sea
I am the eyes of Nostradamus, all your ways are known to me

In the new lands of America, three brothers now shall come to pass
Two alone are born to rule, but all must die before their hour

Two great men, yet brothers not, shall make the North united stand
Their power shall deceive the throne and fear possess the Eastern lands
Three leagues from the gates of Rome, a pope named Paul is doomed to die
A great wall that divides a city, at this time is cast aside

These are the signs I bring to you to tell you when your time is nigh
Man, man, you time is sand. Your ways are leaves upon the sea
I am the eyes of Nostradamus, all your ways are known to me
Nostradamus lived in France the 1500s. Like all seers, his prophesies
were veiled in imprecise language. Various translations of his
prophesies are in print. A novel of his life was written by Liz Greene
in 1981.
recorded by Peter Bellamy
filename[ NOSTRDAM

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