Unknown - Plastic Jesus Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown
Song Title: Plastic Jesus
Visits: 1743
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I don't care if it rains or freezes, long as I have my plastic Jesus
Riding on the dashboard of my car, through my trials and tribulations
And my travels through the nation with my plastic Jesus I'll go far
Plastic Jesus, plastic Jesus Riding on the dashboard of my car
I'm afraid he'll have to go, His magnets ruin my radio
And If I have a wreck, he'll leave a scar

Riding through the thoroughfare, with his nose up in the air
A wreck may be ahead, but he don't mind
Trouble coming, he don't see, he just keeps his eyes on me
And any other thing that lies behind
Plastic Jesus, Plastic Jesus, riding on the dashboard of my car
Though the sun shines on his back makes him peel, chip, and crack
A little patching keeps him up to par

When pedestrians try to cross I let them know whose boss
I never blow my horn or give them warning
I ride all over town, trying to run them down
And it's seldom that they live to see the morning
Plastic Jesus, Plastic Jesus Riding on the dashboard of my car
His halo fits just right and I use it as a site
And they'll scatter or they'll splatter near and far

When I'm in a traffic jam he don't care if I say Damn
I can let all sorts of curses roll
Plastic Jesus doesn't hear, for he has a plastic ear
The man who invented plastic saved my soul
Plastic Jesus, Plastic Jesus riding on the dashboard of my car
Once his robe was snowy white, now it isn't quite so bright
Stained by the smoke of my cigar

If I weave around at night and the policemen think I'm tight
They'll never find my bottle, though they ask
Plastic jesus shelters me, for his head comes off, you see
He's hollow and I use him for a flask
Plastic Jesus, Plastic Jesus riding on the dashboard of my car
Ride with me and have a dram of the blood of the Lamb
Plastic jesus is a holy bar

@religion @drink
filename[ PLASTJES

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