Unknown - Sweet Williams Ghost Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown
Song Title: Sweet Williams Ghost
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There came a ghost to Margaret's door
With many a grievous groan
And aye he twirled at the pin
But answer made she none

Is that my father, Philip?
Or is it my brother, John?
Or is it my true love, Willie
From Scotland, new come home?

Tis not thy father, Philip
Nor yet thy brother, John
But tis thy true love, Willie
From Scotland, new come home

Oh, sweet Margret, oh, dear Margret
I pray thee speak to me
Give me my faith and troth, Margret
As I gave it to thee

Thy faith and troth thou's never get
Nor yet will I thee lend
Till that thou come within my bower
And kiss my cheek and chin

If I should come within thy bower
I am no earthly man
And should I kiss thy earthly lips
Thy days would not be lang

Oh, sweet Margret, oh, dear Margret
I pray thee speak to me
Give me my faith and troth, Margret
As I gave it to thee

Thy faith and troth thou's never get
Nor yet will I thee lend
Till you take me to yon kirk
And wed me with a ring

My bones are buried in yon kirkyard
Afar beyond the sea
And it is but my spirit, Margret
That's now speaking to thee

She stretched out her lily white hand
And for to do her best
Here, there's your faith and troth, Willie
God send your soul good rest

Now, she has kilted her robes of green
A piece below her knee
And all the live long winter night
The dead corpse followed she

Is there any room at your head, Willie
Or any room at your feet
Or any room at your side, Willie
Wherein that I may creep?

There's no room at my head, Margret
There's no room at my feet
There's no room at my side, Margret
My coffin's made so neat

Then up and crew the red, red cock
And up then crew the gray
Tis time, tis time, my dear Margret
That you were going away

No more the ghost to Margret said
But with a grievous groan
He vanished in a cloud of mist
And left her all alone

Oh stay, my only true love, stay
The constant Margret cried
Wan grew her cheeks, she closed her eyes
Stretched her soft limbs, and died

Child #77
@ghost @love @ballad
collected by Child and Percy
filename[ WILIGHOS
play.exe WILIGHOS

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