Unknown - Wake Nicodemus Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown
Song Title: Wake Nicodemus
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Wake Nicodemus
(Henry Clay Work)

Nicodemus, the slave, was of African birth
And was bought for a bagful of gold.
He was reckoned as part of the salt of the earth
But he died years ago very old.
'Twas his last sad request, so we laid him away
In the trunk of an old hollow tree,
"Wake me up!" was his charge, "at the first break of day
Wake me up for the great Jubilee!"

cho: The "Good Time Coming" is almost here
It was long, long, long on the way!
Now, run and tell Elija to hurry up Pomp,
And meet us at the gum-tree down in the swamp
To wake Nicodemus today.

He was known as a prophet - at least was as wise -
For he told of the battles to come;
And he trembled with dread when he rolled up his eyes,
And we heeded the shake of his thumb.
Though he clothed us with fear, yet the garments he wore
Were in patches at elbow and knee;
And he still wears the suit that he used to of yore,
As he sleeps in the old hollow tree.

Nicodemus was never the sport of the lash,
Though the bullet has oft crossed his path;
There were none of his masters so brave or so rash
As to face such a man in his wrath.
Yet his great heart with kindness was filled to the brim
He obeyed who was born to command;
But he longed for the morning which then was so dim,
The morning which now is at hand.

'Twas a long weary night - we were almost in fear
That the future was more than he knew;
'Twas a long weary night - but the morning is near,
And the words of our prophet are true.
There are signs in the sky that the darkness is gone -
There are tokens in endless array;
When the storm which had seemingly banished the dawn
Only hastens the advent of day.

@America @slave @America @Civil @war
filename[ NICDEMUS
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