Unknown Prophets - Never Feat Slug Lyrics

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Artist: Unknown Prophets
Song Title: Never Feat Slug
Visits: 1168
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In this lifetime you don't have to prove nothing to nobody except yourself
And after what you've gone through if you havn't done that by now
It ain't gonna never happen

[MaD Son]

Yo, hey yo I'm never what you'd expect me to be
Clever like that just when you cats think you know me
Never let the negativity hold or stop me
Never forget the knowledge hip-hop has taught me
And even though the Prophets might never get signed
Never drop a video or go platinum with the rhymes
It'll be cool just to knowin that we've touched a few
and rocked the mic with some of the dopest emcees too

[Big Jess]

You'll never catch jess giving anything less than my all
And I'll forever be with MaD SoN until the day I fall
I'll never be as dope as you dogg but I can live with that
You'll always get love from me but you;ll never give it back
I'll never see a million dollars in this life ime
And you'll never be blessed to have a woman quite like mine
To gain respect is a never endin journey
'Cos I'll always be Jess and I guess I'm never worthy


Never could my voice lay down and die
Gimme one good eye to see my influence fly
Forever I'll try to wear a genuine smile
'Cos I've planted my style across a million miles
I've never turned my back on the heads I attract
Mic check, need a breath keep a step on the path
Never lose sight of what this is to me
And how it helps my plight to let everyone else see
I'll never go out of my way to hold you back
I'm just here to make your head rock maybe make your shoes tap
And with some luck maybe I can stuck within your memory
remember me the one that does give a --what--

[Chorus: repeat 2X]
I will never be you and you will never be me
But I'm like whatever we can work together and see
And all we need is the sun and some water for this tree
And we can all get free even I can get free

[MaD SoN]

And yo I'll never forget those who always believed
And the ones who gave us R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Yo I'll never be the MC that you want me to be
There'll always be something I do or say and you won't agree
Thats my individuality o-riginality
Even though some of y'all get pissed off and mad at me
Never forget my family or where I'm from
And never blame others for the wrong I've done
Yo I'll never hold a grudge
I say peace and show love
Never believe one day i'd be rhymin with Slug
Never know the abilities that you posess
Til you find yourself and lay all assumptions to rest
I'll never stop writing when theres no ink left
an I'll never stop flowing even when theres no breath
And I'll never find the words that describe my mind
Yo I'll never stop looking
I'll never stop trying


Better believe I'll never be the best word worker
Instead I use the soul to take the flow further
I'll never rhyme about guns, selling drugs or murder
Sooner see a future of flippin' burgers
I'll never forget about the city that raised me
The women I've chased and the cops that have chased me
The people that pushed me to become who I am
And everyone that came to the jam --like damn--

[Big Jess]

I'll never be the freshest
Never be the dopest
even though sometimes its hopeless I'll never lose focus
I'll never be afraid to show the depth of my emotions
Theres a side of me thats deeper than the belly of the ocean
I'll never be the smartest
Never be the brightest
I'll never be the hardest
never be the tightest
On the mic I'm just your average joe never more
But I've been more dedicated than ever before
I'll never give up
Never call it quits
You can never hold me down and I never did like you ya funny clown
I'll never be on top
Never be the cream of the crop
And no matter what they say I'll never stop
I never wanna be you
you never gonna see me
life for me ain't ever been easy yo believe me
I try to keep positive no matter the weather and no matter what
I'll never say never


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