Unleashed Power - Quintet of Spheres Lyrics

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Artist: Unleashed Power
Song Title: Quintet of Spheres
Visits: 847
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Sphere 1 : Preclusion by Naivete

in its belief of its supremacy

shattered domain of its naivete

lazy and full 'til the reign got corrupted

surprised its existence interrupted

astonished by the disclosure detected

in this sad conference it sits in imprudence

confrontation it detests naivete laid to rest

in a millennium broken continuum

knowledge broke the line its existence divine

Sphere 2: Tool of Nihilism

tearing carnage

massacre done

thriving scourge

nihilism won

regaling itself

on death by its hand

destruction of life

keeps it in command

abrogate life

bludgeon the weak

nihilistic pawn

dragoon the meek

dictator enforce

paramount of hate

obey to his whim

and subordinate

Sphere 3: Phlegmatic Perception

white walls surround the entity

mirror its stolidity

stale amiss the indolence

its voice cries in dissonance

phlegmatic perception

slothful reaction

laziness prevail

ignorant and stale

caved in by misanthropy

traveling through apathy

fool of the turmoil

antithesis of foil

only to bereave

talent to perceive

confronted by fear

for the end is near

its farce concluded

its reign deluded

Sphere 4: Defer to Despair

institute unimportance

effluence of dejection

disdained in depression

accentuate negation

trembling shake in its angst

reflecting travesty

in its timid existence

quail in its servility

Sphere 5: Paradox of Sanity

raving in its frenzy

delirium run amuck

paradox of sanity

severe trauma and shock

jolt in maelstrom of conflict

perceptive disturbance

afflicted agitation

phrenetic lunacy

antagonized fatuous mind

distorted perception

relinquish sobriety

perverse contemplations

Epitaph: Five Entities Unified

as they come to realize

when their spheres merge into one

their credence is their demise

dissension has just begun

belief of narcissism

confronted discernment

by their fanaticism

union rendered atonement

communion solidified

eternally unified

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