Unlord - Slavesend Lyrics

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Artist: Unlord
Unlord Author
Song Title: Slavesend
Genre: Rock
Visits: 916
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[In sword we trust]

I leave the arena Covered with blood

Wounded but the triumph is mine

The betrayers appear, behind me they stand

Indulged by the opponents of lies

My master in spirit warned me before

Your close ones stand for demise

I seek for assistance

Which I find in my sword

But the bastards give me no time

'For it is power that we wil need

to kill the lord of sin

he brought us victory when we

thought we couldn't win'

They stabbed him and stabbed him, murderers

Betrayal of their lord

forgotten that they have sworn,

in the night of sin

To his steel sword

'For it is power that we wil need

to kill the lord of sin

he brought us victory when we

thought we couldn't win'

He's left in the temple, raises up his head

'Master, why have thy summoned me'

His last words vanished, his eyes closed down

and his body is reborn for blasphemy

In the night after, when the moon was gone,

suddenly a vision appears

to the betrayers all drunken of lust,

trapped in their own fear

'For it is power that we wil need

to kill the lord of sin

he brought us victory when we

thought we couldn't win'

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Other Unlord song Lyrics
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  • Begehm Ir Mista Begehm
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  • Midnight In Hell
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    Hell has sent 'Speak to me with wisdom or bring me your pain'
    The five year old spoke as a man
    The Arabs who found him looked in the eyes..."
  • Hail Satanas
    "Spit on the sign of the pig on the cross
    and drink the blood of his corpse
    Impale his father, thrown on the ground
    Crushed under the hooves of my horse..."
  • Torch The Bastards
    "Bringer of Sword
    Bringer of Flames
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    Bringer of Pain..."
  • Inferno Bizarre
    "anochi seur, diablo ta lur
    muhernan si dono
    ta perde non cono
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Gladiator" album, click "Unlord Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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