Unplugged & Lil Wayne - I Dont Know Lyrics
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Unplugged & Lil Wayne Singer Lyrics
I Dont Know Song Lyrics
Unplugged & Lil Wayne
Song Title:
I Dont Know
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[Unplugged] (Lil' Wayne)
Ohhhhhhhh, yeaahhh (CMB don't twistle it don't tangle it)
She looks like any other girl that I seen from place to place
But I know she not like any other girl
cuz I couldn't take my eyes off her
She had a cowboy hat (what else), a sun-greased tan
(what else), pants with the ass just right
Now I can tell that me and her are gonna make a baby,
baby tonight
[Unplugged] (Chorus)
I don't know why she's affectin me
Or why this situation's stressing me
I don't know why nobody's callin me
It makes me wanna give her all of me
And now she's asking what I want it, how I want it,
where I want it, and when I want it
And what I want
Somebody tell me what's going on, going on
Now it's time to make my approach
Cuz its all most 2'o clock (bling, bling)
But I gotta do it now cuz I'ma get mine when I hit the parking lot
She said I know your name, I know what chu do not
impressed my the things you got (yeah right)
But I ain't gonna lie, yeah I wanna ride
So baby lick the spot
[Unplugged] (Chorus)
I don't know why she's affectin me
Or why this situation's stressing me
I don't know why nobody's callin me
It makes me wanna give her all of me
And now she's asking what I want it, how I want it,
where I want it, and when I want it
And what I want
Somebody tell me what's going on, going on
She looks like any other girl
But not like any other girl
I can tell by when she looked at me
She wanted me, and it's not the green
Now I wanna make her mine (what)
I gonna waste no time (what)
I wanna know if you want me like I want you
(listen Weezy come on now)
[Lil' Wayne]
Now as walk up in the club
It's real dark up in the club
But AND WHAT my diamonds still spark up in the club
I see a bid night in the corner
By midnight I'm a goner
So what your name is Sonya
(Spitting noise) bet I bone her
I'm going to get rid of this last bag of marijuana
So won't cha come outside with me
How bout chu take this ride with me
It's gravy so we hop in the no top, four dot
She fasten it like "ooh this car is so hot" she got
And we stopped over at the Ramada
And I got her to come out on that powder
And right jump on just swallow
And swallow and drain damn she wild
Make her trip out Lil' Wayne
Damn she loud, now
It's all over cuz I'm finished with mine
I'ma tell her call tomorrow but then I be lying
But that's all in different baby
And pimpin is me, hot boy Weezy-Wee what
[Unplugged] (Chorus) 2x
I don't know why she's affectin me
Or why this situation's stressing me
I don't know why nobody's callin me
It makes me wanna give her all of me
And now she asking what I want it, how I want it,
where I want it, and when I want it
And what I want
Somebody tell me what's going on, going on
[Lil' Wayne (*Talking*)]
Look, Unplugged, Lil' Weezy
CMB doin it one more time
You know from Philly to the N.O
Don't twistle it and tangle it
They don't understand, it's like the hottest of the hot
Don't get in the way, for real... yeah
(*Inhaling sound*)
I Dont Know Lyrics
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