Unshaken - Sometimes Lyrics

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Artist: Unshaken
Song Title: Sometimes
Visits: 733
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Scientists predicted it would die out on its own

Analysts decreed that its affects were overblown

Skeptics conjured theories to account for the unknown

But it's been around a while, It'll be here when they're gone

Sometimes It's a window

Sometimes it's a wall

Sometimes it's a place where people shatter when they fall

Sometimes it's a River

Sometimes it's a flood

Sometimes it's a place where people drown and come back up

Scholars wrote it off as just an odd coincidence

Weathermen were puzzled by the nature of events

Philosophers were driven to an incoherent tangle

Spin doctors and hockers couldn't seem to find anangle

Everything depends on how you answer when you get that call

Will it be your window or will it be your wall

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Other Unshaken song Lyrics
  • Break
    "Looking down they're rising slowly
    Veins that use to hide now showing
    Blood that shows no sign of slowing
    It's Your love inside me growing..."
  • Bring Them All
    "Shine into the darkness
    Shelter all the cold
    Father all the orphans
    Give life to the old..."
  • Insult Like The Truth
    "I've run my ship aground
    on the rocks of the soul
    There's no lie like independence
    there's no demon like control..."
  • Intoxication
    "I will not let them cure my disease
    They will never put my mind at ease
    I don't think that they can comprehend
    The beginning of a life is at its end..."
  • Light
    "It goes something like this
    You live your live making a fist
    You swing every time, but you always miss
    Do what you want, take your own advice..."
  • Secret
    "Laying on her bed, a gasp in every breath
    The people that surround her speak of what she meant
    Voices slowly fading, her Maker she would meet
    Eternity was waiting, her soul would be complete..."
  • Shout It Loud
    "As he looks at the mirror he sees
    All the scars he's obtained from the past memories
    But he has no regrets of the past
    Cause the future he holds is a hope that will last..."
  • Superhero
    "Put your glasses on
    Blend into the crowd
    Cause you know you're different
    And you're scared to make a sound..."
  • ...Show All

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