Unsung Zeros - Broadcast Lyrics

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Artist: Unsung Zeros
Song Title: Broadcast
Visits: 656
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She flips on the light
And she looks in the mirror
She cries to herself
Its becoming much clearer
That hes not where he says
Hes not hanging with her
She flips off the light
And she turns with a shiver
And when he comes home
His embrace is so cold
Its like being caught
In a rough strangle hold
Now her resolve's gaining strength
To tell him so long
But for now shell just keep hanging on

Cause the little things remind her
Of the good times they have had
Whenever she recalls those things
Its hard to think that hes so bad

It seems no matter where she goes
She can hear their song on the radio, radio
And when she does she smiles to it
But no matter how hard she tries
She can't turn it off
Or let it die, let it die
Even though she knows
Hes running her to ruin

Shes falling in love
With a new boy and his smile
But she cant admit
To herself her heart's run wild
Her story time dreams
Of a fairy tale life
Are holding her back
To keep fighting this lost fight
Where she still holds on
To the hope he might change
But a hundred percent
Of the time hes the same
And now her heart has been smashed
Her will has been broke
But she clings to the end of that rope

Cause the little things remind her
Of the good times they have had
Whenever she recalls those things
Its hard to think that hes so bad

It seems no matter where she goes
She can hear their song on the radio, radio
And when she does she smiles to it
But no matter how hard she tries
She can't turn it off
Or let it die, let it die
Even though she knows
Hes running her to ruin

It seems no matter where she go

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Other Unsung Zeros song Lyrics
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  • Always will be the same
    "Sat around and check my watch
    As i waited for the midnight hour
    ANd i thought about the things that happend on this day that we gave some music up..
    I started on this journey..."
  • Back To Life
    "Back to life again,
    these semingly endless problems are all over.
    back to what has been
    back to a life where the good times never end...."
  • Burn Tomorrow
    ""It's the kind of day that starts bad in the morning
    When I wake up to the feeling that nothing is quite right
    But circumstances forces me to make a smile
    And so I head off to my destination fuming all the while..."
  • By The End Of The Day
    "By the end of the day
    I'll turn and run again
    right back to the girl who would be where I've been
    I'm feeling down, turned around..."
  • Chasing Amy
    "For me a case
    of regrets
    when it comes to things like this
    as I look back..."
  • Day In Day Out
    "wakes up in the morning and puts on his clothes
    takes a step to the door, turns the key and he goes
    takes a left at the light like he has for his whole working life
    same worthless job everyday 9 to 5, with his nose to the grind just so he can survive..."
  • End Of Innocence
    "The time is growing near for me to pack away my things and leave this life behind
    And all the things I have known and all that Ive been taught are only in my memory
    And Im not sure I want to go away so soon
    Stomping grudges Ive known for all these funny years are really miles away..."
  • ...Show All

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