Urban Dance Squad - No Kid Lyrics

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Artist: Urban Dance Squad
Urban Dance Squad Author
Album: Beograd Live (1996)
Urban Dance Squad - Beograd Live Album
Song Title: No Kid
Genre: Electronic
Visits: 674
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This is all about music how to use it, they call it songs
if a rapper doesn't sing, well they call it wrong
while remington raps on, coming on strong
critics let their face grow long
face my music for once - I doubt if you can
you've been brainwashed too much as a public man

This is no kid

T.V.'s your pet - your radioset, I scan
popular music gives crapjams
you've been blinded, narrowminded
you know rap is big with the crowds - nothing's behind it
they just dance if they like it, so they clock it
don't be misled by my size when I rock it

This is no kid

Mr. top-50 biznizman talking so slick
don't like our kinda music so he gives us the pip
why a lie - rappers only flip their lip
both sides of the globe call this music hip
still knocking on doors of pop - to make discs
while big men fake it with crapoid artists
discotheques' answer ain't raps - they ask for
a quick jam, pay wannabees, a few plaster
just think you're a master with your ghettoblaster
pipedreams about gold, but big men go faster
but you've hyped the type of music that holds you in a grip
when you pay this critics give it a miss
dissin' the circuit - you say 'why, what this is !'
'cos you rock like a kid
I gotta do it right

This is no kid

Absorbing the words, it's absurd
people go with the crowd like a herd
the bits, the music, the whole words
copy the style without own effort
if they are the herd, then I must be the herdman
inventing fresh jams - firsthand
you said it was nothing, not worth a damn
too hard, too noisy, my show a five or ten
but the mediamen clap their hands
now you wonder, guess how we did the good hook
it's the guitar, dj, bass, the drummer's foot
crumb up y'all, you never get these roots

This is no kid

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Other Urban Dance Squad song Lyrics
  • Nonstarter
    "check the pace
    where you used to pick up the pace
    headin' for collision like the dragrace
    remember situation nowhere..."
  • Metaphore Warfare
    "I'm like batman, I'm glad man, I swing my boomerang
    clock stetsons ?? heads on ?? catch attention
    grab retired mc's their pensions
    dimension ?? suspension, switch a button..."
  • Totalled
    "well, it's damage
    it will happen
    I'm a loose cannon
    two worlds collide..."
  • No Honestly!
    "Don't learn while you get spoonfed
    What are you stupid ?
    Believe everything inside your head
    What are you stupid ?..."
  • Ego
    "I excel with high fidel, like an
    amp, made by kenwood
    droppin' bombs, wreck these comps
    like only a man could..."
  • Everyday Blitzkrieg
    "wake up, it's seven o'clock on the dot
    got the aches
    to raise you need a crutch
    nouriture, nurture the vulture..."
  • Demagogue
    "I kick the music so hard
    People get injuries
    Step to me, be a big stitch mc
    Lyrics I chop, kick skills like jacky chan..."
  • Planet Ultra
    "I don't want to be standoffish
    but I ain't gonna rot
    in your office
    tried to adapt, now who's fooling who?..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Beograd Live" album, click "Urban Dance Squad Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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