Useless I.D. - Its Alright Lyrics
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Useless I.D. Singer Lyrics
Its Alright Song Lyrics
Redemption (2004)
Useless I.D.
Song Title:
Its Alright
Rock: Punk-Rock
Print Version
tune in and listen to
what i have to say to you
why be sorry when youre not
dont you realize
theres no consolation prize
when you payed all youve won
but its alright
i wont let you down
but its alright
i wont let you down
but its alright
i wont let this fade away
she will poison you again
just to get her sweet revenge
you believe its not what she is after
you are not in love my friend
save it for someone who cares
things will never be the same between us
but its alright
i wont let you down
but its alright
i wont let you down
but its alright
i wont let this fade away
what do ya say..HEY!
writings on the wall
not so far away
i want you to pass
with you in anyway
how can we pretend
everythings ok
when we lost it all
tune in and listen to
what i have to say to you
why be sorry when youre not
dont you realize
youre the consolation prize
now youre getting all youve won
but its alright
i wont let you down
but its alright
i wont let you down
but its alright
i wont let this fade away
what do ya say..HEY!
writings on the wall
not so far away
i want you to pass
with you in anyway
how can we pretend
everythings ok
when we lost it all
save the best times
lose my trust along the way
ill forget it
while you remember it that way
thats what happens when you
trade me in for one mistake
Its Alright Lyrics
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Other Useless I.D. song Lyrics
Same Story, Someone New
"Same story here it goes, more hard times falling in love.
Even the best dosen't seem to please me.
A guardian angel left my broken heart in hell.
I thought I was over it, but I'm not...."
The Worst Holiday Ive Ever Had
"The happiest day of the year has come around again.
Maybe tonight I'm bound to find my long awaited friend.
She's waiting there,
the falling star where wishes don't come true...."
Bring Me Down
"Everyone gather round, the fight's about to begin.
It's me agianst the whole wide world knowing there's no way I could win.
It's been a while since I could come up with anything new
and make it seem alright...."
My Therapy
"Let's take a trip down memory lane and pass by all the nights,
were I'll find myself in your arms agian.
There's no inspiration here, lets go, I think we better get out.
But we're stuck deep in the depths of yesterday...."
Jukebox 86
"Take me to a place where only happiness is all around.
1986 is where we'd go, sit out side with all my best friends,
fighting over baseball cards.
A tought of nothing to worry about...."
Too Late To Start Over
"You know my story.
I've been telling it to anyone I could find.
If I would lose you, I'd lose my mind,
over and over agian until next time...."
Unhappy Hour
"Would you go with me to unhappy hour?
Have a dink' pass out on the floor.
Cleaning up would be hard, get a ride home.
Fall asleep alone, wake up and smile...."
Birthday Song
"It was a sunday,
I never tought I could forget.
If I would remember'
I wouldn't be full of regret...."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Redemption" album, click "
Useless I.D. Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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