Usher F/ J.D. - If I Want To Lyrics
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Usher F/ J.D. Singer Lyrics
If I Want To Song Lyrics
Usher F/ J.D.
Song Title:
If I Want To
Print Version
[Usher] (JD)
Every time I look up
I see it in your face
You wanna hook up with me
(You know you wanna hook up - stop playing)
Instead of acting like you supposed to
You cop an attitude like you're good for me
And you know good and damn well that...
If I want to - I can take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I can have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't - you're a playa I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby
Ain't nobody tryna clown you
But you're too damn old to play high school games with me
(You know that - too damn old)
Yes you do
Cause even when I'm not around you
I hear from my friends you be asking 'bout me
(What's up with him - that's what you be saying)
I don't really care
How long you've been together with your man?
It's just a matter of time
Before I make you mine
I wanna make it clear
So there's no misunderstandings
That I get what I want - when I want, yeah
If I want to - I can take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I can have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't - you're a playa I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby
If I want to - I can take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I can have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't - you're a playa I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby
(Yeah, uh - oh)
That I get what I want - when I want
If I wanted to
(If I wanted to - I'd have you doing whatever I want you to)
(You know - right now I'm just not really doing that)
(But if I wanted to - anything)
(I'm saying - you and your girls, I could have them too)
Listen to me!
If I want to - I can take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I can have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't - you're a playa I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby
If I Want To Lyrics
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Other Usher F/ J.D. song Lyrics
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"Yo, shit
I'm sick of this man
I can't even take no more
Cause I hate the fact that I love you so much..."
Come Back
"Uhh, Ohh, Ohh, Hey.....
Na, Na, Na, Na, Na,
What Ya'll Wanna 'do
See around here..."
My Way (Remix)
"Yo...yo yo...yo
Yo yo yo...Yo's rare that you find people like us ha ha
Or tryin' to do what I'm doin' but you can't..."
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