Usher F/ J.D. - If I Want To Lyrics

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Artist: Usher F/ J.D.
Song Title: If I Want To
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[Usher] (JD)
Every time I look up
I see it in your face
You wanna hook up with me
(You know you wanna hook up - stop playing)
Instead of acting like you supposed to
You cop an attitude like you're good for me
And you know good and damn well that...

If I want to - I can take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I can have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't - you're a playa I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby

Ain't nobody tryna clown you
But you're too damn old to play high school games with me
(You know that - too damn old)
Yes you do
Cause even when I'm not around you
I hear from my friends you be asking 'bout me
(What's up with him - that's what you be saying)

I don't really care
How long you've been together with your man?
It's just a matter of time
Before I make you mine
I wanna make it clear
So there's no misunderstandings
That I get what I want - when I want, yeah

If I want to - I can take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I can have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't - you're a playa I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby

If I want to - I can take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I can have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't - you're a playa I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby

(Yeah, uh - oh)
That I get what I want - when I want
If I wanted to

(If I wanted to - I'd have you doing whatever I want you to)
(You know - right now I'm just not really doing that)
(But if I wanted to - anything)
(I'm saying - you and your girls, I could have them too)
Listen to me!

If I want to - I can take you from your man
With my eyes closed
I can have you eating out the palm out of my hand
And all your little girl friends to
(No you can't - you're a playa I don't want you)
Yes I can and I will if I - if I want to
If I - if I want to baby

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Other Usher F/ J.D. song Lyrics
  • Cant Let U Go
    "Yo, shit
    I'm sick of this man
    I can't even take no more
    Cause I hate the fact that I love you so much..."
  • Come Back
    "Uhh, Ohh, Ohh, Hey.....
    Na, Na, Na, Na, Na,
    What Ya'll Wanna 'do
    See around here..."
  • My Way (Remix)
    "Yo...yo yo...yo
    Yo yo yo...Yo's rare that you find people like us ha ha
    Or tryin' to do what I'm doin' but you can't..."

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