Utada Hikaru - Automatic (Johnny Vicious Remix) Lyrics

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Artist: Utada Hikaru
Song Title: Automatic (Johnny Vicious Remix)
Visits: 810
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I can't help but feel alive.......

You pick up the phone on the seventh ring
Even if I don't say my name
You know who it is by my voice

The melody that falls naturally from my lips
But I was most happy when I lost my words
Even on days when I have problems

When I see you, they all fly away
On my rainy days, when I can't see you
Just by hearing your voice, automatically the sun will shine

It's automatic, just by being by your side
Just by you looking at me with those eyes
The excitement won't stop
I can't say no
I just can't help it

It's automatic, when I'm held by you
It seems like we're in paradise
Shining brightly
I close my eyes and soon I feel so good
It's automatic

Your ambiguous attitude still makes me uneasy
So being this infatuated with you
Is still necessary for a while

Even on the days when your kindness was hard to bear
You always told the truth
On rainy days whe I can't cry alone
If I touch my ring, look, the sun will shine

It's automatic, just by being by your side
My whole body gets warm
I can't hide my excitement
I can't even take a breath
I just can't help it

It's automatic
When I access it
I try to touch the glittering words
Inside the computer screen and I feel so warm

It's automatic, just by being by your side
I don't think you're beloved, just necessary
It's not because I'm sad
I just need you

It's automatic, when I'm held by you
It seems like we're in paradise
Shining brightly
I feel so good
It's automatic...

I just want you here with me
Tell me why
It's automatic

Automatic (Johnny Vicious Remix) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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Other Utada Hikaru song Lyrics
  • Amai Wana (Paint It Black)
    "Everytime we meet in the street by chance
    My doubts deepened
    That strange guy who appears everywhere I go
    Because I'm always doing something dangerous..."
  • Eternally
    "Right before me, you glimmer slightly I can't see anything else
    Where are we ?
    Don't disappear into the background beginning to stir
    with commotion just yet, I can't hear anything anymore...."
  • Addicted To You
    "There is no need to meet you everyday
    I've got so many things to do
    There is no need to talk with you everyday
    I am annoyed with so many phone bills..."
  • Dareka No Negai Ga Kanau Koro
    "Chiisa na koto de daiji na mono ushinatta
    Tsumetai yubiwa ga watashi ni hikattemiseta
    "Ima sae areba ii" to itta kedosou ja nakatta
    Anata e tsuzuku doa ga oto mo naku kieta..."
  • Devil Inside
    "Everybody wants me to be their angel
    Everybody wants something they can cradle
    They don't know I burn..."
  • Exodus 04
    "With you these streets are heaven
    Now home feels so foreign
    They told me I was mistaken; infatuated
    And I was afraid to trust my hunches..."
  • The Workout
    "I was dancing with a dirty blonde Texan
    Charming accent but the music?s playing too loud
    For talking
    So I showed him..."
  • Easy Breezy
    "I still remember,
    The ways that you touched me.
    Now I know I don?t mean anything to you.
    You?re Easy Breezy, and I?m Japan-ezy...."

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