UTFO - Roxanne Roxanne Lyrics

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Artist: UTFO
Song Title: Roxanne Roxanne
Visits: 1335
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rtist: UTFO


Song: Roxanne, Roxanne




Yeah, what's up man?


There goes that girl they call Roxanne.She's all stuck up


Why you say that?


Cause she wouldn't give a guy like me no rap

She was walking down the street so I said "Hello

I'm Kangol from UTFO."And she said "So?"

And I said "So?!? Baby don't you know?

I can sing, rap, and dance in just one show

Cause I'm Kangol, Mr. Sophisticata

As far as I'm concerned ain't nobody greater

From beginning to end and, to beginning

I never lose because I'm all about winning

But if I were to lose, I wouldn't be upset

Cause I'm not a gambler, I don't bet

I don't be in no casino, and baby while you knizzow

The izzi is the grizzeat Kizzangizzo."

I thought she'd be impress by my devious rap

I thought I had her caught cause I'm a sinister trap

I thought it'd be a piece of cake but it was nothing like that

I guess that's what I get for thinking, ain't that right, black?

Then crizzi to gizzone and seen number izzone

Crizzin ricking tizza of mizzac mic dizza

With the bang bang, brother I feel bad

But I ain't comitting suicide for no crab

But calling her a crab is just a figure of speech

Cause she's an apple, a pear, a plum, and a peach

I thought I had it in the palm of my hand

But man oh man, if I was grand I'd bang Roxanne


Roxanne, Roxanne, can't you understand?

Roxanne, Roxanne, I wanna be your man


You Kango, I don't think that you're dense

Buy you went about the matter with no experience

You should know, she doesn't need a guy like you

She needs a guy like me, with a high IQ

And she'll take to my rap, cause my rap's the best

The educated rapper MD will never fess

So when I met her, I wasted no time

But stuck up Roxanne paid me no mind

She thought my name was Barry, I told her it was Gary

She said she didn't like it so she chose to call me Barry

She said she'd love to marry, my baby she would carry

And if she had a baby, she'd name the baby Harry

Her mother's name is Baby, which is really quite contrary

Her face is really hairy, and you can say it's scary

So isn't not every, her father's a fairy

His job is secondary, in some military

He throws them to an ?electric camp? that wasn't voluntary

His daughter's name is Sherry, his sons are Tom and Jerry

Jerry had the flu but it was only temporary

Back in January, or was it February?

But everytime I say this rhyme it makes me kinda weary

It's only customary to give this commentary

Some say it's bad, some say it's legendary

You can search all you want, try your local library

You'll never find a rhyme like this in any dictionary

But do you know, after all that

All I received was a pat on the back

That's what you get, it happened to me

Ain't that right Mixmaster I-C-E



You thought you had a rose, you thought you was Cupid

But EMD, your rap was plain stupid

I know you're educated, but when will you learn?

Not all girls want to be involved with bookworms

You gotta be strong in a way she can't resist

So educated rapper, huh, bust this...

Since she's a new girl on the block

I had to let her know that I'm the debonoir Doc

I said "I'd like to speak to you if I can

And if I'm correct your name is Roxanne."

She said "How'd you know my name?"I said "It's getting around.

Right now baby you're the talk of the town

Please let me walk you to the corner, my rap will be brief."

She said "I've seen you before, you look like a thief."

I said "Me? The Doc? A hood, a rock?

Running around the street robbing people on the block?

Nah, that's not my style, that crime I'm not related

As far as I'm concerned I'm too sophisticated."

Then it seemed I got busy cause she cracked a smile

That let me know my rap was worth her while

She said "You call yourself a doctor?"I said "This is true."

She said "Explain to me really what doctors must do."

I said "This is very rare because I don't say this every day

There's a million medical skills a doctor displays

Dermatology is treatment of the skin

Infected and you'll see me and you'll know you're again

There's enthesiology, opthomology

Internal medicine and plastic surgery

Orpedic surgery and pathology

A disease involves a change of the body."

She said "Ooooh, that's very unique."

Gave me her number and kissed me on the cheek

She said she had to go but be back by 8

So to call her at 9 to arrange a date


Did you take her to the beach?


That's what we planned

But she stood me up, Roxanne, Roxanne



And here's our gameplan


The beat is here, so we will reveal it

[Kangol & EMD]

And if you think it's soft, then Roxanne feel it!

[beat boxing and scratching]

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