Utopia - Singring The Glass Guitar Lyrics

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Artist: Utopia
Song Title: Singring The Glass Guitar
Visits: 577
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(an electrified fairy tale)

This is an electrified fairy tale. if youve never heard of an electrified

Fairy tale, just picture little fairies with wee tiny electric guitars.

Once upon a time [not long ago] in a land not far from here, there was a place

Called harmony. everyone in harmony was happy and this "joie devivre" was

Guarded by their invisible patron, the muse singring. but jealous forces, and

There are always jealous forces in such tales, have conspired to capture the

Spirit, imprisoning it in [an instrument of glass, locking it in] a chest with

Four keys, and casting the keys to the four corners of the earth so that only

Four particularly brave and talented individuals might retrieve them. it is

Here that our story begins.

Theres a rumor I heard thats going round town

Someones captured singring, singring

Come hear the news, come hurry on down

Down to the old town square

The announcer wipes at his eyes, hes trying to hide

See it in his face, tell by his expression

The secret knowledge that claws to escape as he cried

Day of infamy, someones captured singring

Day of tragedy, someones captured singring

Now what shall we do, what shall we do now?

And if you take a look around, harmony is dying

Someone trapped the spirit in a glass guitar

And if you listen with your heart, you can hear it crying

Free me from my crystal prison in this glass guitar

Theres a rumor I heard thats going around

Someones saving singring, singring

Come hear the summons, hurry on down

Down to the village green

And the spokesman speaks for us all, together we call

Brave adventurers, warriors, and free men

Conquer self and so in the end save us all

Conquer earth and wind, conquer fire and water

Brave adventurers, come and save us all

And if you fail to win the keys, harmony is dying

Trapped away forever in a glass guitar

And if you listen with your heart, you can hear it crying

Free me from my crystal prison in this glass guitar

Having gathered on the green, the brave adventurers of the land march off in

Search of the keys. their quest leads them first to the rivers edge.

Lead me to the water

Pass me my flagon of wine

I said show me to the water

Quick before I change my mind

I go down to the river and bravely the rapids I row

Over the falls to the bottomless pool

And its down to the bottom I go

Only one has the courage to dive into the river and brave the bottomless pool

In search of the first key.

Let the four winds blow icy breath before me

Storms will never keep me from the glass guitar

Hurricanes may scream, I will never feel it

til I find the key that leads me to the glass guitar

Only one has the courage to wander the desert [alone] and brave the eternal

Winds in search of the second key

Fire can never burn me

Flames can not catch me - faster am i

Blazes never faze me

Barefoot I walk hot coals for a mile

My sword is tempered, my loins are girded in steel

Make my way to the heart of the forest of flames

And if I do my best and dont stop to rest

I may pass the test and capture the key that opens the chest

Only one has the courage to make his way into the forest of flames and brave

The fire-breathing dragon in search of the third key.

I will climb the face of the highest mountain

Whilst singring calls crying from the glass guitar

Though the earth may shake let the planet tremble

Steady will I struggle onward to the glass guitar

Only one has the courage to climb to the top of the highest mountain in search

Of the fourth key.

Having scaled the mountain and finding no key, the climber begins chopping

Madly at the ground with his pickax, causing the mountain to split in two,

Revealing the last key.

Now in possession of all four keys, the brave adventurers march triumphantly

Into the valley of silence to open the chest, smash the glass guitar, and free

The spirit of harmony.

Singring The Glass Guitar Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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