Utopia - Welcome To My Revolution Lyrics

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Artist: Utopia
Song Title: Welcome To My Revolution
Visits: 549
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There's too much music, too much light
These endless broadcasts into the night
Petty seizures of money and drugs
By some official or unauthorized thugs
Now it's gone, the whole world's gone
There's the army at the front door, guerrillas in back

Why do I always have to take up sides
I had no plans to be conscripted today
I am no use to them anyway
So what the hell's going on
When they took my bed for the good of the state
I had to rest my head and took to levitation
Welcome to my revolution

Every morning they confer with the press
Just to point a few fingers
Fix the blame for this mess
The spokesmen waffle and the jerk-offs complain
In a stream of rhetoric
Piss themselves down the drain
Then it's time to go home
Time to go home
What will they say when it's gone
The whole world's gone
So they call a cease fire to bury the dead
And just delay it for an hour or so
Loose talk of cowards and leaders that lied
What does it matter once we're vaporized
Say what the hell's going on
Then it got so bad I couldn't breathe the air
So I became my own church and begged for sanctuary
Welcome to my revolution

This is the dream that I have every night
I wake up screaming t
Is this my vision of the end of the world
The faces looked smoldered, the edges are curled
Tell me what is the reason we can't look at ourselves
And realize everybody creates his own hell
And if we put it together to make them all real
And then forget how to think, forget how to feel
Until it's gone, the whole world's gone
Are we damned if we do and damned if we don't
Could we be suckered into thinking that
Or get too greedy, afraid of the loss
And wind up fighting for a worthless cause
What if we died and had to come back
How may times would we have to go 'round
What if tomorrow was the end of the line
Don't want to feel like I wasted my time
So what the hell's going on
When the noise gets so dense
you can't hear yourself think
We got the spirit world on a telephone link
So welcome to my revolution

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Other Utopia song Lyrics
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    "Did you see the color of the water coming out of the tap?
    Did you hear the chatter of the hammer
    when you're trying to nap?
    There's nothing on the counter at the A&P store..."
  • All Smiles
    "Smiles, all smiles
    Like the sweet light of the sunrise
    I'm in love with something in your smile
    All smiles, waiting for the love you give me..."
  • Alone
    "Let me ask you a question
    Will you lend me your ear
    Do you know the meaning of emptiness
    If not I'll make it clear..."
  • Always Late
    "Hello honey, I just missed the train
    My watch must have stopped I guess
    Dinner is cold and the kids are asleep
    I didn't mean to get you out of bed...."
  • Another Life
    "Well I could be wrong
    But I swear that I knew you
    In another life
    And I could be dreaming but I swear..."
  • Anthology
    The Very Last Time
  • Back On The Street
    "They tell me I've paid back the debt I owed
    Forty-four months since the slammer door closed
    They give me a suit and put me back on the road
    And my thoughts are racing..."
  • Bad Little Actress
    "I can't carry on
    This play is too long
    I must be going
    Extend my regrets..."

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