V Shape Mind - Monsters Under The Bed Lyrics

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Artist: V Shape Mind
Song Title: Monsters Under The Bed
Visits: 599
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Nothins sacried in those paracidic ways
Perhaps its just another way to make you feel like you belong
Stand accused of all your insecurities somehow your smoke and your mirrors
Can not hide the envy

Monsters under the bed under the bed
Bash it in your head
Somebody tell me please tell me whos got my back

harsh untruths in those pathetic little digs
I slit the throats of those fuckin pathetic little pigs
on my beach i kick the metophoric sand
I flush the toilets of weakness with mushroom clouds in hand

Monsters under the bed under the bed
bash it in your head
Somebody tell me please tell me whos got my back
Monsters under the bed under the bed
bash it in your head
Somebody tell me please tell me whos got my back

(chad grey solo)
stich my throat closed
cut my smile wide
sew my eyes blind
i can still see through you
i can see right through you
i can still see through you
i can see right through you
nothings sacred in those pathetic little ways
perhaps its just another way to make it feel like you belong

Monsters under the bed under the bed
bash it in your head
Somebody tell me please tell me whos got my back
Monsters under the bed under the bed
bhash it in your head
Somebody tell me please tell me whos got my back

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