Vai Steve - Damn You Lyrics

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Artist: Vai Steve
Vai Steve Author
Album: Fire Garden (1996)
Vai Steve - Fire Garden Album
Song Title: Damn You
Genre: Rock: Progressive
Visits: 617
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Suddenly the guilt is written on your face
God only knows how down deep it goes
Nothin left to say in this pitiful state
I'm takin' the shame out on a song

I need to settle down maybe
Take some pity on myself

Damn you, I said damn
My mind is better off dead
Damn you, I said damn
Who are these voices in my head

Someone poured cold cement in your soul
And now all the beautiful colors are turning to gray
I notice you're happy only when you're miserable
(like some other people I know)
You love to eat your heart out just for the taste

We bleed so preciously, baby
Hopeless refugees of war

Damn you, I said damn
My mind is better off dead
Damn you, I said damn
Oh, God, I feel like I'm shot in the head

Into the air and into the lungs
And then down under the skin
Sweetly feeding the blood becoming
Part of the flesh part of the bone
Becoming the brain & blackening the soul

Hip hip hip boom boom way to go
I got a brand new me I don't even know
Before I get a little sick or a
Little cold, there's just one thing that you should know

We scream so desperately, baby
Choking on the words as they fall

Damn you I said damn
My mind is better off dead
Damn you I said
I can't stop these feelings

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Other Vai Steve song Lyrics
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  • In My Dreams With You
    "I'm watchin' you
    I'm wantin' you
    But you turn away
    I'd crawl through broken glass to you..."
  • Still My Bleeding Heart
    "A child to a boy
    From a boy to a man
    Pride growing stronger
    Reaching his victories..."
  • Sex and Religion
    "Repent, repent, repent ye sinners -
    What do you think you got
    When you thought you had a lot
    But all your feelings are dead?..."
  • Dirty Black Hole
    "Creeping 'cross the canvas of color, crawling in a cold delight
    Bitter sweet perversions, paint their picture cross their precious sky
    And it's all I've been searching for
    Wretched is the filth, that grinds the holy with its doubt..."
  • Survive
    "Get ready for your life, won't you take your place in line
    You may close your eyes if you please
    Try to keep it clean, there's so many here you see, everybody needs to get by
    And if you fall on your face on the way, you'll get it together someday..."
  • Pig
    Why try to hide?
    Runnin' ain't about to gonna do anything for you my little one
    Oh they try to get inside of me, why do they bother anyway?..."
  • Down Deep Into The Pain
    "So naive, so innocent, thrust in a world too intense
    Flesh is weak but the soul is strong, and you will bleed but you'll carry on
    Yes you need your pain, life is pain
    I could hold your hand, but you must take your pain..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Fire Garden" album, click "Vai Steve Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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