Val Doonican - Paddy McGintys Goat Lyrics

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Artist: Val Doonican
Song Title: Paddy McGintys Goat
Visits: 3768
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Now Patrick McGinty, an Irishman of note
Fell in for a fortune and he bought himself a goat
Says he, sure of goat's milk I'm goin' to have me fill
But when he brought a Nanny home, he found it was a Bill

All the young ladies who live in Killaloo
They're all wearing bustles like their mothers used to do
They each wear a bolster beneath their petticoat
And leave the rest to Providence and Paddy McGinty's goat

Mrs Burke to her daughter said, listen Mary Jane
Who was the lad you were cuddlin' in the lane
He'd long wiry whiskers a-hangin' from his chin
'Twas only Pat McGinty's goat, she answered with a grin

Then she went away from the village in disgrace
She came back with powder and paint upon her face
She'd rings on her fingers, and she wore a sable coat
You bet your life she didn't get those from Paddy McGinty's goat

Now Norah McCarthy, the knot was goin' to tie
She washed out her trousseau and she hung it out to dry
Along came the goat and he saw the bits of white
And chewed up all her falderals, upon her wedding night

Oh turn out the light, quick, she shouted out to Pat
For though I'm your bride, sure I'm not worth lookin' at
I had two of everything, I told you when I wrote
But now I've one of nothin', all through Paddy McGinty's goat

Mickey Riley, he went to the races t'other day
He won twenty dollars and he shouted hip hooray
He held up the note, shoutin' look at what I've got
The goat came up and grabbed it and he swallowed up the lot

He's eaten my banknote, says Mickey with a hump
They went for the doctor and they got a stomach pump
They pumped and they pumped for the twenty dollar note
But all the

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