Val Emmich - Shock Lyrics

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Artist: Val Emmich
Song Title: Shock
Visits: 724
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No more secrets here
Let's make it crystal clear
Just tell me yes or no
That's all I want to know

You're supposed to be my friend
Don't lie to me
Just turn and walk away
I could punch your fucking face
You took it way way way too far
You're not who I thought you are

Tell me it's a joke
Tell me you're kidding
'Cause I believed in you
But now you have a lot to prove

You're supposed to be my friend
Don't lie to me
Just turn and walk away
I could punch your fucking face
You took it way way way too far
You're not who I thought you...

If I don't know you (If I don't know you)
Then I don't know anyone
If I don't know you (If I don't know you)
Then I don't know anyone


Think carefully
Before you speak
Think carefully
Before you speak...

You've got one chance to come clean
One more chance to come clean
You've got one chance to come clean
One more chance and then I'm leaving

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Other Val Emmich song Lyrics
  • A Voice
    "Telephone message
    Your voice I kept it
    To remind me
    That you're not going to die in my mind..."
  • Bury Me
    "Today I don't care about anything
    Today I'm sick of everything
    I could care less if my brakes fail
    I could care less if I run out of air..."
  • Careful
    "You walked in and hit me
    With a stun gun to the chest
    I hope I can move pretty soon
    Cuz you're giving me that look..."
  • Detach
    "I don't have a hard time
    Believing this
    Cause I saw it coming
    From a great distance..."
  • Medical Display
    "Make my way down the hall
    Don't know what I will say
    Say when I see you
    Your body wrinkled from decay..."
  • No More
    "This endless cycle
    Start over again
    Just like a bicycle
    You never really forgot..."
  • Privacy Attracts A Crowd
    "Don't be here
    Just get out
    The busy body idiots always have to ruin it
    Don't be here..."
  • Separate Things
    "It was evident from the start
    That we were the kind of pair
    You could never part
    Looking for danger and an ocean view..."

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