Vampiria - Legacy In Blood Lyrics

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Artist: Vampiria
Vampiria Author
Album: Among Mortals (2000)
Vampiria - Among Mortals Album
Song Title: Legacy In Blood
Genre: Metal
Visits: 654
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Stranges thoughts round in my head, like ancient views in red, a call coming

through centuries, like a legacy in my blood. there's someting growing into

me, cannot control it much more time, i feel it round into my veins and

begins to awake. The anxiety controls me... and your neck, so white, there's

not too much to loose, come on, let me taste your blood.

Aeternum vitae, hereditare in sanguinis, maledical dominus (but).

I can feel the ancestral thirst, now my eyes see through the dark, we gonna

live in the eternal night.

We gonna walk together, for all eternity wandering in the shadows, spreading

the fear. Night will be our. To hunt and drink, to hunt and drink forever,

the essence of life.

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    I say the words to be heard for thou, to be obey for thou. I know the words that can start the fire, just break the seal an heavens will burn.
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    Give us the force and value for fight in your name, you lord of dark master of our rebellion guide our hands...."
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    Impious darkness rise she, black queen of chaos, the malevolence starts the great eclipse of souls.
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    The dark age was marked with the seventh seal now broked, preachers of lies to lethean's waters...."
  • Dark Emotions
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    I shout at the edge of dusk, and my voice emerge inhuman, a criminal wish exploids in my mind, i'm blinded and blood begins to call me.
    The fury; pleasure; the blood, i'm on extasis with morbid sensations, no hope for you tonight, in your neck I will leave my stigma.
    Dark emotions 'till I taste your blood, now you're mine and of the night, your angel's dying in darkness, and between my arms a vamp born...."
  • Darkness, Swallows - Me
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    ideas can't be used in the paradise, deformed by the human being...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Among Mortals" album, click "Vampiria Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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