Van Der Graaf Generator - La Rossa Lyrics

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Artist: Van Der Graaf Generator
Van Der Graaf Generator Author
Album: Still Life (1976)
Van Der Graaf Generator - Still Life Album
Song Title: La Rossa
Genre: Experimental
Visits: 672
Print Version

Lacking sleep and food and vision
here I am again, encamped upon you
floor, craving sanctuary and
nourishment, encouragement and
sanctity and more.
The streets seemed very crowded,
I put on my bravest guide -
I know you know that I am acting,
I can see it in your eyes.
In the harsh light of freedom I know
that I cannot deny that I have wasted
time, have frittered it away in idle boasts
of my freedom and idelity, when simpler
words would have profited the most...
... it isn't enough in the end, when I'm
looking for hope.
Through the organ-monkey screams as the
pipes begin to spit
still he'll go through the dance routines
just as long as he thinks they'll fit,
just as long as he knows that it's dance,
smile - or quit.

Like a monkey I dance to a strange tune
when all of those years I've longed to lie
with you but have bogged myself down in
the web of talk, quack philosophy
and sophistry -
at physically I've always baulked, like the
man in the chair who believes it's beyond
him to walk.
I've been hiding behind words,
fearing a deeper flame exists,
faintly aware of the passage
of opportunities I have missed,
Vut the nearness and the smell of you,
La Rossa from head to toe...
I don't know what I'm telling you,
but I think you ought to know
soon the dam wall will break, soon the
water will flow.
Though the organ-monkey groans
as the organ-grinder plays
he's hoping, at the most,
for an end to the dancing days;
still, he hops up and down on his perch
in th usual jerky way.
Though it might mean an end to all
friendship there's something
I'm working up to say.

Think of me what you will;
I know that you think you feel my pain-
no matter if that's just the surface.
If we made love now would that change
all that has gone before?
Of course it would, there's no way it could
ever be the same...
one more line crossed,
one more mystery excplained.
Now I need more than just words, though
the options are plain that lead from all
momentary action.
I we make love now it will change all that
is yeat to be...
never could we agree in the same
way again.
One more world lost,
one more heaven gained.

Ls Rossa, you know me, you read me as
though I am glass;
though I know it there's no way in which I can pass -
though it means that you'll finish my story
at last I'd trade all the clever talk,
the joking, the smoking and the quips,
all the midnight conversation, all the
friendship, all the words and all the trips
for the warmth of your body,
the more vivid touch of your lips.
All bridges burning behind me,
all safety beyond reach,
the monkey feels his chains out blindly,
only to find himself released.
Take me, take me now and hold me deep
inside your ocean bodym
wash me as some flotsam to the shore,
there leave me lying evermore!
Drown me, drown me now and hold me
down before your naked hunger,
burn me at the altar of the night -
give me life

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  • Pioneers over C.
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    reddened eyes stared up into the void,
    1000 stars to be exploited..."
  • When She Comes
    "so potent is the smell of her perfume
    that you think she's eternal
    that you think she's everything
    -but no-one knows what she is......."
  • A Place To Survive
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    your limbs are disjointed...."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Still Life" album, click "Van Der Graaf Generator Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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