Van Der Graaf Generator - The Undercover Man Lyrics

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Artist: Van Der Graaf Generator
Van Der Graaf Generator Author
Album: Godbluff (1992)
Van Der Graaf Generator - Godbluff Album
Song Title: The Undercover Man
Genre: Rock: Electronic
Visits: 615
Print Version

Here at the glass - all the usual problems
all the habitual farce.
You ask, in uncertain voice, what you should do
as if there were a choice
but to carry on miming the song
and hope that it all works out right.
Tonight it all seems so strange - my spirit feels rigid,
me body deranged;
still that's only from one point of view
and we can't have illusion between me and you,
my constant friend, ever close at hand -
you and the undercover man.
I reflect: 'It's very strange to be going through this change
with no idea of what it's all been about
except in the context of time...
Oh, but I shirk it, I've half a mind not to work it all out.
Is this madness just the recurring wave of total emotion,
or a hide for the undercover man,
or a litany - all the signs are there of fervent devotion -
or the cracking of the dam?

It's cracked; smashed and bursting over you,
there was no reason to expect such disaster.
Now, panicking, you burst for air,
drowning you know you care
for nothing and no-one but yourself
and would deny even this hand which stretches out towards you to help.
But would I leave you in this moment of your trial?
Is it my fault that I'm here to see you crying?
These phantom figures all around you should have told you,
you should have found out by now,
if you hadn't gone and tried to do it all by yourself.

Even now we are not lost; if you look out at the night
you'll see the colours and the lights seem to say
people are not far away, at least in distance,
and it's only our own dumb resistance
that's making us stay.
When the madness comes, let it flood on down and over me sweetly,
let it drown the parts of me weak and blessed and damned,
let it slake my life, let it take my soul and living completely,
let it be who I am.

There may not be time for us all to run in tandem together -
the horizon calls with its parallel lines.
It may not be right for you to have and hold in one way forever
any yet you still have time,
you still have time

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    Standing in the space that holds the silent lace of night
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    You think that you can hold the searing, moulten gold between..."
  • Lost
    "i. Dance in sand and sea
    So here we are, or rather, here I am, quite alone,
    I'm seeing things that were shared before, long ago ...
    how good the time was and how I laughed ....."
  • Pioneers over C.
    "Left the earth in 1983,
    fingers groping for the galaxies,
    reddened eyes stared up into the void,
    1000 stars to be exploited..."
  • When She Comes
    "so potent is the smell of her perfume
    that you think she's eternal
    that you think she's everything
    -but no-one knows what she is......."
  • A Place To Survive
    "It's easy to say, when you're so down,
    that everything's pointless;
    your eyes burn, your ears howl,
    your limbs are disjointed...."
  • Masks
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    A clown, a fool,..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Godbluff" album, click "Van Der Graaf Generator Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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